The Cartel

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What else? thought Luke. What else what else what else? He hadn't gotten any quests from the townsfolk in the Capital. Suddenly he remembered the smithy in Eston.
"Oh man! I completely forgot about the ore!" Exclaimed Luke. "I better go do that now." So Luke went to the mine where he was to find the Superb Ore. When he got there, he saw two guards talking.
"I wish we had something to kill other than bats." Said one guard to the other.
"C'mon, dude. Surely there's going to be something, or someone else, that stumbles across this abandoned mine." Suddenly they saw Luke, and attacked. But Luke thought fast, and used one of his fire arrows. It hit the melee guard, and exploded. The explosion spread to the other guard, who was an archer, and they both fell to the ground.
Luke walked into the next section of the mine. Three people were guarding a side entrance. But when they saw Luke, the two guards who were archers started shooting arrows at him, and the guard with a sword charged. Luke dodged the two arrows and used a poison arrow on the melee guard. It hit the guard, and he started spazzing out. He fainted, and dropped his sword. The remaining guards looked at each other, then got confused and shot arrows at each other. They both fell to the ground. Uhh, what just happened? Thought Luke. I didn't do anything, they just shot their arrows at each other...
Luke went into the side cave the people were guarding. There was another person, facing the back wall, in front of a chest. Suddenly he turned around.
"Who goes there!" He yelled as he turned around.
"Hi, I'm Luke. What are you doing here?" Said Luke.
"I swear, I didn't know it was going to be like this when I signed up. They gave me a knife and told me to kill anyone who comes in here!" Exclaimed the guard, shivering.
"Who's they?" Started Luke. "And what's so important about this place, anyway?"
"I don't know, just leave me alone!" Said the guard, shivering even more now.
"Fine, I'll spare you." Luke began. "And I'll be taking whatever's inside that chest, too."
"Ok, just don't hurt me..." Whispered the guard. Luke opened the chest. Inside he found 104 gold and an iron sword. Fartkernoppledip! Thought Luke. I hate swords!
Luke walked out of the side cave and continued his journey to find the ore. He stepped into the deepest part of the cave. Three people were guarding a chest. That's probably the Superb Ore! Thought Luke.
"Who goes there!" Said the guard in the middle.
"Hi. You have terrible recruits." Luke informed him.
"How did you get in here?" Yelled the guard.
"Well, your lackeys jumped me at the door, I beat them up, and came here." Said Luke.
"Why are you here? What do you want from the Cartel? That's us, by the way."
Wait, the who? Thought Luke. The Carvel Cake Guys? I think that's about right...
"I'm here to take the ore you have in that chest." Said Luke, pointing.
"I'm sorry, but you can't just take it." Snapped the guard.
Luke had no choice. "Ok, I guess I'll have to take it by force then." He said. He shot a fire arrow at the guard he was just talking to. It exploded, and spread to the second guard. But they didn't fall yet. Oh man, these guys are tough. Thought Luke.
Next Luke ran up to the first guard and slashed at him with his dagger. But the guard dodged, and did a cool counter attack. Luke avoided it, did a back somersault, and shot an arrow. The guard collapsed and fell to the ground. All the while, the third guard was shooting arrows at Luke. But he dodged, and tried something new. He combined the arrow barrage, the fire arrow and the poison arrow. Luke took one of each kind of arrow from his quiver, adding up to three, one fire, one poison and one regular. He loaded them into his bow, and fired. The regular arrow went for the second guard, who was already wounded, and hit. The guard fell to the stone floor. The fire arrow and the poison arrow headed for the third guard. On the way there, the fire fused with the poison, causing an explosion of poison gas. When it cleared, the guard was on the ground, with two arrows stuck in his chest.
Luke picked up the key and opened the chest. There it was: the Superb Ore. Also in the chest was 188 gold and a battle axe. Luke looted the chest, then walked out of the mine.
When Luke got back to Eston, he could feel the breeze against his face. He went to the smithy and told him he found the ore.
"Wonderful!" Exclaimed the merchant. "I can make you anything, what would you like?"
"I'll have a dagger, please." Said Luke. So the smithy took the ore from Luke, and hammered away and did whatever blacksmiths do. Soon he had finished Luke's dagger.
"Thanks," said Luke. "I'll use it as soon as I can. Oh, and can I sell some stuff I got?"
"Of course," said the merchant. "What will you sell?"
"I'll be selling this battle axe and this sword." Luke informed the merchant.
"Ok, that will get you... 116 gold." Said the merchant. He gave Luke the gold and took the weapons. Luke left Eston and headed back to the Capital.

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