My Second Chance Mate (Editing)

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Harmony Evans was a born werewolf who dreamed of one thing, meeting her mate. The male wolf made just for her. The one destined to love her and only her. The day she meets him is the happiest of her life, but in a cruel twist of fate, he rejects her and their bond? Heart broken, she leaves the only pack she's ever known in an effort to be as far from him as possible, and prepares to live out the rest of her life alone in Hawaii with her uncle.Trevor Haynes is the Alpha of his pack. He has it all, money, good looks, an amazing body, and best of all, whatever female he wants in his bed. He shares his body, but never his heart. Been there, done that, and never doing it again. Like Harmony, his experience with his own mate was a painful one and has turned him into the closed off playboy that he's become. So what happens when two wolves who have given up on love are suddenly thrown together.Fate intervenes once again, and gives them a second chance.

Annie's Thoughts:

One thing I have always wondered. Why is it when they reject their mate they always end up going for someone related to her? In this one he does just that and what is so rediculous he goes for the one that is human instead of the one who is a she-wolf made just for him. Thankfully, she finds something better and he gets a taste of his own medicine.

Chapters: 34

Author's Name: kauigirl

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