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"Are you..are you my mate?" I asked, as I stuttered, and blinked. "What?! You high? I'll never have a mate as fat as you, and as ugly too. Get lost." He said, his eyes holding something so unfamiliar to me. I felt tears brimming but refused to let them fall, as I stared up at him, straightened my back, held my chin high and replied.' What if the person that meant the most to you rejected you? What if they just tossed you away like a piece of garbage? When your siblings and father treated you like crap, and the reason being you are overweight, ugly, acne-faced girl. Wouldn't you be so humiliated? Well, that was the case for Natasha Gomez. She was the daughter of the Beta of the MoonLight Pack. While her three older sisters and twin brother look like they just came out of a magazine, she was the odd one out. The day the Alpha's son Logan turned seventeen, he found his mate, who was Natasha. He rejected her and made her feel like utter crap, just like the rest of her family. When Natasha couldn't take it anymore, she left. Never looking back. Until that day, her 19th birthday. Now she's back prettier, skinnier, and stronger then ever. Join Natasha in her journey and battles with tears, hardships, murders, and of course, falling in love.

Annie's Thoughts:

I can say that her dad is a piece of shit in this story. Told everyone to be mean to her because he wanted her brother not her even though they are twins. Granted, her mother didn't even know so that means he was scared she would do something. I would if I was in the situation. Anyway, they made a damn good pairing even though all of the bumps in the road were there. What got me for this story was the last A/N on the end. You do not ever put hate comments on a story where an Author is learning to ropes to writing and yes that is exactly what this site is. If you don't like a story you do realize there is this box right at the top right of the page that has an 'X' in it? it, because us writers don't need people like you reading our stories if all you can be is spiteful. I hate it when people do that and I give them a piece of my mind every damn time. It's not like anyone is holding a gun to your head going 'read the damn story or I will shoot your brains out.' Come on, be smart you person with out a heart.

Chapters: 37

Author's Name: pandora_101

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