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Sunday, 8:35 AM

The room was silent, violet bricks, smells like cookies and suddenly Lei fell.

'What is this place?
'Lightning Bug Place.

'Who said that?
'It is me, the guard

'Oh thank goodness you're here.
'I have to find Amanda, do you know her?
'Definitely, she's the Queen of this place, just go straight and turn right.

Sunday, 8:59 AM

Lei followed the instructions, but something just bothered her.

'Hello, I'm Reese.
'Well hello there, I am Lei.
'Can you help me with tying up my shoe. It's rusty.
'Ok. First the bunny goes through the hole, up the castle and eats the carrots.

The world spinned in counterclockwise motion and lost the direction. Lei was tricked, illusioned, and she had to find her way out.

Sunday, 9:11 AM

Sticking with her mind and heart, Lei pushed herself and tried every route in an hour and a half. She saw a golden figure trying to approach her.

It was those lightning bugs who had real lightning that if you get stung you'll explode in minutes and the only cure is Florish Potion, a rare potion.

'Nice little bugs. Don't come any closer.

Lei dashed to get to the Queen, she shield herself way up, and hid from them.

'I have to be free, I have to live, I have to go now.

She had confidence, might possible to die because of slipping onto the tiles.

'No! Please. Do not sting me.

Lei hazardly shooed away the flying insects away from her, but then she got stung in the knee, her legs went numb, full of electric virus scamming on the body and brain attacking her.

'Ah, I can't help myself anymore.
'But I can.

Sunday, 10:56 AM

A flash.

'Welcome Lei, to my house. I am Queen  Amanda, the Queen of Lightning Bugs.

'Can you help me please, my knees.
'Of course, dear. Just rub this potion and it will have a mint-cooling-fresh effect, afterwards.

'Thank you, that's so much better. So can you tell me what prophecy I have to accomplish?

'You have a special prophecy to fulfill. 'It is the collection of stones that makes your spirit free and sends you to back where you came from.

'Where exactly did I came from?
'You can only find out when you have the passion. If not you'll go back to Mexiça to test once more. That is hard eh?

'Come on rest for a bit. Close your eyes.

Amanda lower's her small voice mending a lullaby to make Lei sleep.

Sunday, 11:34 AM

As Lei woke up, she realized that Amanda's room was starting to fade, she was resilient of recovering from those bugs but now this, the room was so hot, burning like wood crusts like an open bar.

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