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Thursday, 8:32 PM

'So, there is a shell?

'Yeah, Harold needs that shell to gain his powers!

'What kind of power is it?


'That's terrible!

'Just a touch on that shell would change the world, people would just serve him and become old slaves for becoming the richest king.

'Let's rest for a while on that hammock.

The Smoky Falls is like Azteca, unless it has a Sleeping Spell on the land.

'Lei? Wake Up! What are you doing on the ground! Wake Up!

Oscar tried to look for help at the Falls but only to find out Harold trying to find a shell inside the waterfall stream medial cliff.

'Oscar! We meet again! How are you?

'Why are you doing this?

'Your art will destroy every place in the world!

'Answer Me!

'It is for you stubborn people's good! I need this for myself!

'I will stop you!

'No you won't, my scan is complete!

'That means?

'You can't stop me, and the shell is in the next realm!

Oscar pushed Harold over the cliff, but failed because he had a parachute and a bow and arrow on his hand.

'What the heck! What is this made of?

'Once you get hit, you'll sleep for a long time, only healed by a Florish Potion. Now excuse me, I have to get down to my business, sweet dreams.

'Stop! You'll Perish!

'I don't wanna disturb you and Lei, so get out of my way.

Friday, 10:09 AM

Harold became a terrible influence because of Mr. Orange, Queen Amanda, and Lei, he was tired of becoming jealous of them that his own jealousy took over his young ambitions to be noticed, now he wants to top the three heroes to become the most adored in a dull view.

'Wake Up! Wake Up! Here's a Florish Potion!

Oscar woke up, and felt numb, and tried to find Lei.

'Who are you?

'I am Jack! Nice to meet you, Don't worry! I am a   guard of Smoky Falls!

'Have you seen Harold? A boy who has a dark blue coat and a necklace? I'm Oscar by the way.

'I haven't but a girl showed up too!


'You know her?

'Yeah! We traveled together!

'That's too bad!


'I've run out of the Potion!

'We have to make some Jack!

'The Ingredients to make the Florish Potion are some flowers, water, and purplish smoke.

'Here are some flowers and water, where can I find the smoke?

'At the Snake Pit.

'That's absurd! I'll die!

'Quit stalling around, get the smoke already.

The venomous pit of snake was hard for Oscar to get the smoke.

'How much should I get?

'Just half of it.

A rattlesnake crunched its molar onto Oscar's leg leaving him poisoned.

'Jack! It hurts! Help!

'Here, anti-venom. You'll be cured in an instant.

'Idiotic! You know, you should try it.

'Don't freak out, but I can do get the purple smoke.

'Ok, that's very good, but how?

Friday, 10:24 AM

Jack turned into a big Cobra, and slithered over the dense mud and coiled himself into the jar, getting the smoke.

'Were you cursed too?

'Yes, I was! By Harold!

'We'll get him together!

'We? How about I eat you up and forget this?

'I am cursed too! We are even! Think about that! Give me the jar!

'Here you go, but first, I have to eat your friend.

'No! Not Lei! Jack! You betrayed me!

Jack crawled his force all the way up to Lei and tried to strangle her.

'Jack! Please Stop! I can help you, just don't kill my only friend.

'Only friend? But aren't I your friend too?

'No, but do you know why?

'Because I am a Cobra that gives you this kind of venom?

'Arghh! This is bad! I'm bleeding, where's that anti-venom you jerk!

Oscar found Harold's arrow and poisoned Jack and got everything he needed to survive.

'Here's my gift for you monster!

'Ah! No! This hurts!

'I know, just try to behave.

Oscar healed Lei and woke up.

'Lei? Are you fine?

'Yes! What happened?

'There was a snake who tried to kill me and all that but, Harold! I saw him, and he was finding his shell! He's on his way to Azteca! How do we get there?

'That's easy! Leave it to me.

Oscar and Lei left the Smoky Falls with a high and brave aspiration in finding the truth of Harold.

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