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Tuesday, 1:01 AM

At the Desert, stardust fell on Lei's foot and woke up at a strange desert, stranded in nowhere, she slept in a dark green tent. She got up because of a boy, calling her, named Sea.  What a weird name.

'Hello there Lei, I must help you.
'Thank you Sea, it's cold out here.
'Well, sometimes it has to be.

Lei was covered in a tender-rose blanket, comforted by the boy who was calling her.

'So, do you know anything about this Black Mamba?
'Of course! It is a wall of carving, that once you have signed your name, you receive the special stone!
'Does it come with a discount?
'Haha, very funny.  We've got a long trail to

Tuesday, 1:45 AM

'But, why is that so easy?
'No, it is extremely hard! You have to get a desert fish to sign it. The blood will make the writing, and the fish is very wild.

'Where can we find the desert fish?
'Why do you have so many questions?

'I have to take that stone!
'Alrighty then, we go to Sailor's Moon for the fishes, I know someone who can help

Tuesday, 3:21 AM

The two walked a long way to find the fish, despite the heat, sweat, and sunburn, they have reached Sailor's Moon.

'Harold? I'm here, come on, get up, don't be lazy.

'Ugh. What do you need from me, Sea.
'Harold, I've found a friend.
'Welcome, I am Harold, as you've heard. I was like why can't my name be like Dexter or...

'My name is Lei nice to meet you. So, do you know anything about Desert Fishes?

'Oh, why do you ask?
'Because I need the stone.
'Sea, why did you bring her to me, I want to sleep now.

'Please Harold, I really need it.
'Lei, you better step back and trust us.
'Sea, don't tell her what to do.

'Why, what's the matter?
'We need a test from you, to see if you are compatible with the fish.
'What now?

A series of test was made by injecting a substance onto the arm.

Tuesday, 3:23 AM

'Hey, can you hear me?

Lei was in deep sleep inside Sailor's Moon while Harold and Sea, runned her tests. Just memories and feelings were put.

'Hey, who are you?
'I'm Prune, how could you forget? Silly girl.
'Where are we?
'We are in the house, your house! Did you suddenly have amnesia?

'Oh, and what are we doing?
'Lei! Snap out of it! We are studying Biology! I must've bored you, right?
'Yeah, I think so.

'Wanna go to Mexiça?
'No? But that's your favorite place! Nevermind.

'Are you a robot, Prune?
'Robot? What are you saying?
'Nothing. So uh, I don't feel well.

'That's fine, I'll just leave you here, and give your study guide, okay?
'Stay here, would you?

'Lei, I think someone's knocking.
'Ah!! It's those Venus Flytraps that you've planted! It's massive!

'Prune! This is all my fault...
'Just keep your head high, think positive Lei.

The Venus Flytraps bit Prune's leg off and was grabbing her violently.

'Prune! I am not letting go of you! You taught me everything I had to know! Please Stop!

Lei slapped the plants and had so much to lose. Her friend was gone. The flytraps then slammed her down and left.

As Lei rests, the next test was activated.

Tuesday, 5:12 AM


It was an ordinary morning with a funky music hugging Lei at a medium tempo.

'Where am I? Hello? Prune! Where are you? I have to get out of here. It is so narrow, I can't budge in. Hello! Help me!

Lei tried everything her body was telling her, but it was no use. Until, water sprouted inside the box and broke the turntables, Lei gasps.

'Look, I am scared, and full of pain right now, but if someone is there listening to me, please! Help.

The water was halfway full, it was cold, and Lei was caved in.

'Who said that?
'It's me! Mr.Orange! Come here!

Shivering like frost, Orange walked with Lei and put her in his cabin, and it was so warm and calming inside.

'Thank you for the hot chocolate.
'Don't mention it. I want to tell you something.

'What is it?
'I have to leave soon alright? I had to close Mexiça forever.
'Why would you do that?

'It was all because of your Mum.
'My Mum? But she's...
'She stole all of my money and vandalized the restaurant. Now, the government tracked her for a year now. No sight of her.

'Alright. I understand. I'm sorry about her.
'Just be good, and your actions will payoff.

The test was finished, and Lei deserved to sign her name on the Black Mamba.

'Sea! Thank goodness!
'Congratulations! You've passed the challenge!

'Harold, give her the fish.
'Here you go, Lei. One fresh fish for a young lady.

'Thank you, now let's go to Black Mamba.

Tuesday, 7:55 AM

Lei got the stone from the sacred walls of the Rose Desert. She followed her next instructions, to get her true spirit.

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