The Cereal Box

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I am an empty cereal box on a shelf

I lure people in with my colors
My design and image of myself that I have created
I speak of passion, of love, of adventure
I advertise of the wonders that lie inside

But there is nothing
There is no inside
The inside is blank, empty

I do not know who I am

I once knew
I was once full of life
Of love
Of passion
Of drive

Now I am empty

Only displaying on the outside a picture of what once was

Maybe it is a phase
Maybe this is what it is to grow up
Maybe this is depression

I long to be like the other cereal boxes
Cereal boxes that people take down, and keep down instead of putting back on the shelf once they realize the emptiness

But the thing is
You never know if a cereal box is empty by just looking at it

Many others are just like me
Advertising of what once was
While losing themselves in the emptiness
The void
The loss
The pain

Life has eaten everything of what I once was

And now

I am simply a cereal box
On a shelf

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