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I have a large map in my room. I stare at it a lot as one does when one has a giant map on their wall.

I've placed pins on the places I've been. They're little memories.

I think about how I am only a pin prick in this world. A microscopic dot on the spectrum of human history.

How can one microscopic dot leave a significant mark on the world?

How does a dot like me possibly amount to anything?

If I ceased to exist, there'd be one less drop in an ocean.
One less leaf on a tree.
One less grain of sand.
One less drop of rain in a storm.

So why am I significant?
What is my purpose?
Why am I here?
Why do I matter?
Why does anyone matter?
Aren't we all just drops of rain falling to one day hit the ground?

I don't know,
I hope I find out.

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