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Empty pages.
Endless possibility.
The first line is always the hardest.
The first stroke,
The first word,
The first touch.

I look at the full canvas before me, and think of where I once was.
Once white, endless possibility.
But I made the first stroke of the brush and from then on, everything changed. The canvas transformed and colors were everywhere and the inspiration flowed in perfect harmony with the others around painting and it was beautiful, gosh it was beautiful.

The first line
The first drop of blue
The first splash of red
The first shapes of pink
The first subtle yellow
The first introduction of green
The first scratch of black

You can't take back what's already been painted. You can paint over it if you'd like, but it's always there. And it's beautiful. It's a messy, mangled, colorful piece of artwork that is uniquely yours.

Don't try to forget what has happened to you.
Don't try to erase the color with strokes of black that ruin the entire image of what once was just because the flow of color stopped for a while.

It's easy to put color on white,
It's hard to put color on black.

So keep painting.
Paint in color.

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