The Quiet

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I sit in my car parked in my driveway. It's late.

The only noise I can hear is the summer sound of crickets and cicadas talking and humming amongst themselves.

I close my eyes. More noises emerge.

The sound of the tv from inside my house, wonder what they're watching.

The muffled sound of voices from neighbors.

A dog barks

Some kind of car rumbling down the street

The rush of traffic from the nearby highway

The slight woosh of an airplane overhead

The crickets continue

I close my eyes and push away every sound,
And I focus on one. My heartbeat.

It's beating fast, uneven, grasping, holding on, fighting. It's losing.

I cannot control it.

So I close my eyes and focus on only the sound of it. And I wait. I wait until it slows.
Even. Steady.

I go inside.

"Hey!" My mom beams, "How was the party?"

I reply, "Good."

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