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I curve around roads I have never seen at speeds I don't like.

My car races through the night and my thoughts race with it.

My vision begins to blur, and I try to blink away the liquid emotion.

A thought passes my head just like an 18 wheeler passes me on the freeway, pushing my car a bit to the left with a gush of wind. It releases the first tears from my eyes.

Haven't you cried enough about this person?

I get lost. I'm weaving and searching for answers and signs but it's night time. It's dark.

Already blurry far away road signs have been even more blurred by my inability to control tears.

I call on some unknown being for help. If only it could just tell me which way to go about this mess of tangled roads to travel. Where to find the pieces of myself I so desperately hope to restore.

Until then I will be lost on a road.
Staying in my lane.
Racing through time.

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