Firework Filled Fumbles

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   There was only one nightgame a year. On the Fourth of July, the whole sky would brighten up with fireworks, giving us just enough light for a game. Everyone played their best that day. Something about the dark streets and exploding fireworks caused an excitement unlike any other. That night filled everyone's hearts with a feeling of hope and a rush of ecstasy. The gang would think of their future as they swayed beneath the dim lights by the sandlot. It was the one night a year where they could feel how Benny felt constantly.

Almost every year Charlie would think of her future as escaping this small town and making it big playing baseball somewhere in the world. This year her dreams were changed. All thanks to one factor. And that factor's name was Alan McClennan.

Even though they had chosen to keep their relationship a secret, somehow Benny and Squints had found out. They were threatened to keep it a secret. Charlie could make the manliest man fear for his life if she had enough incentive. They had easily decided that they liked keeping each other to themselves. Yeah Yeah didn't want the guys to rip him a new one about falling in love and 'losing his manliness.' Charlie just didn't want to share what she had. She would admit that she was selfish for wanting to be in her own world. But if that world had Yeah Yeah, she would forever be happy.

It had been about a month since the faithful day where Yeah Yeah and Charlie got their heads out of their asses and admitted their feelings to each other. They had had countless dates and After every single one they realized more and more how right this was. Charlie was fearful though because she knew most summer romances didn't last and she never wanted to lose Alan.

Yeah Yeah's POV

I was quietly sitting on Squints' doorstep, waiting for him to hurry up so we could get to the night game. I swear he takes more time to get ready than a chick. Well the chick I've really waited for was Charlie, and she was ridiculously fast at getting ready. I'm going off on a tangent in my own head. What the hell is wrong with me.

The door behind me flung open, knocking me off the porch. The recognizable laugh of Squints Palledorus filled my ears.

"It ain't funny man, yeah-yeah it's your fault anyway'," I said as I rubbed my aching temples.

"Man, your ass was flat on the ground, you was so shocked!" Squints laughed loudly as he leaned on his knees. Reaching up, I pulled his hands and he fell over since he was using them for balance.

"Man, your ass was flat on the ground!" I mockingly joked to him as I, too, started to crack up.

"We're gonna be late, we gotta go!" We stood up sprinting off, before quickly having to turn back around after we realized we didn't grab our mitts. Damn we really are a bunch of idiots.

"So how's Charlie? I haven't seen her much lately, but I hear she been spend in' a lotta time wit' you." Squints asked as he wiggled his eyebrows at me.

I blushed bright red at his statement. Lowering my head to hide my red cheeks and replied with a slight frown in my voice, "Kay Kay, I didn't realize I was steal in' her form the gang."

"Nah man. You're good I was just trying to take the Mickey outta ya, I'm sorry." I could hear the slight shame in his voice, but I didn't understand why as I was the one being over dramatic.

"It's all good man," I say chuckling off the awkwardness hanging between us.
(I don't know how to write guy dialogue)

A/N sorry thIs chapter was so short the next one will be the night game and Phillips. But right now my life is swamped with finals and a school trip to Washington is coming up in the summer so updates will not be plentiful. I'm sorry. Hopefully in summer I will have a solid updating plan. But I love you all. Stay gold. And read and review :)

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