Chapter Three ~Back To School~

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For all the AWESOME books that had me cracking up like a maniac. Gosh girl, you have a please check her out!!!

Two days is not enough for a weekend.”


Chapter Three ~Back To School~:

                “Arianna Martin! You better get your butt down here right now or I’m going to do it for you!” I heard my mom shout from the first floor.

                I groaned. I didn’t want to get up yet. My sleep was still oh so good! Then just as I was about to return to my wonderful slumber, the sheets were ripped off from the bed, exposing me to the cold atmosphere.

                “Mooomm!” I groaned again. I placed my pillow over my head, trying to shut off the voice of my mother.

                “Ari! You’re going to be late for your first day of school. Do you want that to happen?” She now had frustration coating her words. Why oh why did we always have to wake up early for school? Can’t teenagers like me get a few more hours of sleep? Seeing as I didn’t want to move, my mom headed towards a different approach. “You don’t want me to bring the water bucket up, do you?”

                That had me sitting up, looking at her with wide eyes. “You wouldn’t.”

                “Oh yes I would,” My mom said with a smirk while at the same time, nodding her head. “Now get going. I have to leave early for work.”


                “I’m sorry, sweetie,” She apologized, heading out the door. “But my boss wants me to get to work now. It’s really important.”

                 I nodded. “Okay, just go already before you are late for your work.”

                I heard her fading footsteps and her last reply, “Don’t forget to lock the house!” And then I heard the front door bang softly. The events of yesterday came back to my head and I lay there smiling for a moment. 

                Yesterday was fun. Everything was peaceful as we watched the sunset and talked about the memories of tenth grade. We ended up laughing then it turned into teasing which then turned to shoving and ending with Jason drenched with sea water from head to toe. He then shouted at us like a poetic writer, "I SHALL HAVE MY VENGEANCE!"

                Then it turned into a chase around the beach with him sliding in the sand and all four of us dodging his wet figure. It was fun with my friends back again. It wasn't only 'till then that I noticed just how much I missed them.

                After showering and putting on my school uniform that was one size too small for me. I looked at myself in my mirror and grimaced. If I bent down to get something in the wrong way—the revealing way—then the people behind me would see more than what they bargained for. I had to be cautious in the way I moved or else…

                I grabbed a toast off the plate on the island and made my way to the den with my socks shoes. I began putting on my socks while eating the toast. After that, I headed for the bathroom to brush my teeth. For sure, I had morning breath.

                As I spat out the remains of the Colgate, I remembered that strong mouthwash I had tasted not a week before. I grimaced at the thought but then my mind began to wonder towards the boy with those Hershey eyes.

He Came Back (NaNoWriMo 2011) ~completed xD~Where stories live. Discover now