Chapter Thirteen ~The Fight (Part Two)~

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A/N: Okay...let's make a deal. If this chapter gets at least 50 plus views and (hopefully) 2 votes...then i'll update. I don't want to wait too long, you know. So please... VOTE COMMENT FAN LIKE TWEET!!! Whatever suits you best :D.

Sadly, this story is coming to an end. guys should know, Spiritual Ascend is also coming closer to its end. Book 2 shall come out soon...hopefully. ^__^

And I'm gonna be uploading a new's a sort of Fan Fic...I'm still debating whether I should post it or not....anyway



“Help will always be given at Hogwarts to those who deserve it.”

-Albus Percival Wulfric Brian Dumbledore from Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows

Chapter Fourteen: ~The Fight (Part Two)~

(Eric’s POV)

                Kyla, Jason and I moved quietly at the back, but it was kinda impossible since bullets were firing everywhere. We were moving in a different path; not straight to the doorway ‘cause that’s like signing you own death wish but around the whole cabin and the woods around it. It took us longer because we had to be quiet but we finally reached the woods near the back.

                I saw people moving everywhere but Jason and Kyla fired at them before they could even register we were there. I was kinda grateful that they didn’t make me kill this people. I don’t think I’ll be sane enough for this gang life. I mean, sure I was good with martial arts and hand-to-hand combat but I don’t think I’d want to kill someone yet.

                As soon as the coast was clear—in other words, free of flying bullets—we began our slow but deliberate walk to the front of the forest. It was dangerous but we kept all our senses on high alert. We made it with ease though

                “Kevin!” Jason called out into the dark as Kyla and I watched his back. A bullet to the tree he was hiding behind answered him. “Stop shooting, idiot. We’re friends of Freddy and Riley.”

                A voice called out. “Are you Jason Miller?”


                “Come on then!”

                We didn’t need to be told twice. We ran towards the door and as soon as we reached it, bullets began firing in our direction. Kyla was hit on the shoulder and she let out a string of profanities before shooting back at the darkness. As soon as we were inside, Jason tended to her immediately.

                “Ouch! Don’t push it!” Kyla hissed at him as she leaned on the wall.

                “But I need to get the bullet out, Ky,” Jason said, with furrowed brows.

                The guy who I thought was Kevin closed the door and told the other dude to watch the back yard from the window. He turned to us and frowned at the wound on Kyla’s shoulder blade. “Hmm…it’s just a fleshy. It’s not that serious.”

                I left them to themselves. I noticed that we were in the kitchen. An archway was there that led to the hallway and the living room from what I saw. I was about to go through it when I saw the other dude, who was supposedly watching from the window, raise the hand with gun and aimed it straight for me. Before I knew what was happening, he released the trigger just as I closed my eyes.

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