Chapter Ten ~Oh, no~

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You guys have to check out AlexisSims's poem book "Death's Apprentice". It's REALLY REALLY GOOD!! :DDD

Anyway, peace out, readers! Hope you enjoy!! :D x


“I don't understand why destiny allowed some people to meet, when there's no way for them to be together…”


Chapter Ten ~Oh, no~

(Eric’s POV)

                I was shaking with excitement of seeing Arianna on Monday. I wasn’t able to see her all weekend long because Dad had said that he wanted to visit Gramps and Gran in the outskirts of Richmond which was four hours away from Casadela. We had to stay there all weekend long but it was fun to see all my cousins again. No wonder Dad was grinning like a madman the day before he told us we were moving back to Casadela.

                I waited in my seat at first period. I saw Kyla walk in a few minutes before the bell ring and sit in her usual spot beside Ari’s place—right in front of me. She smiled at me before sitting down. I just acknowledged her with a nod of my head. Wait, don’t they always come together to school? That was a bit odd of Kyla just arriving without Arianna.

                “Hey, Ky,” I said, tapping on her shoulder. “Where’s Ari?”

                She shrugged. “I don’t know. When we came to her house this morning, no one answered the doorbell and we just assumed she had left without us. It was…strange.”

                “Where was her mom?”

                “Beats me. Probably in Florida again, solving a case. She usually does that.”

                I furrowed my brows and laced my fingers together. Ari would have said her mom was on a business trip. This was so unlike her…

                “Stop worrying, Eric. She’s just probably around here in school. There must be a valid reason why she’s late for first period.” She turned back to the front and began whatever she was doing. I looked back at the door and waited for Ari to arrive.

                “I highly doubt that, Ky…”I whispered, tailing off.


                It was already lunch and Arianna was nowhere in sight. I was sitting with the others and I must say they were really good with thinking that they hadn’t told me anything about them training to be a gangster and such. I liked it that everything went back to normal…but we were just lacking one more person. Where the hell was she?

                “Jase,” I said, turning to Jason after taking a small bite out of my sandwich.  “Have you tried calling Ari? She wont pick up my calls. I’m really worried about her. She isn’t supposed to be roaming around with Riley out there.”

                “I know. She isn’t answering mine, too. I tried calling her like twenty times already but she still wouldn’t answer!” Jason frowned as he checked his phone under the table. “And no replies as well.”

                Ah…where was she?

                I stood up, bringing my tray with me. I dumped it in the tray area and headed out the door. I walked up to my locker which was two places away from Arianna’s. I have to say I was a bit surprised the first time we walked together from lunch and to our lockers, at the same time making her remember who I was.

He Came Back (NaNoWriMo 2011) ~completed xD~Where stories live. Discover now