Chap 3 "Criminal Proposal"

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Alexis' POV
Hector went up to our room. "Can I interest you guys in anything to drink?" I asked. I walked up to the fridge. "All we have is bottled water to drink."
"And salads to eat," Heaven added as I closed the fridge.
"It's my diet for the program and I'm actually gaining weight," I nodded.
"I remember you said you were trying to gain," Blake nodded.
Hector walked down in this police uniformed. "Did you get called?" I asked.
"Yeah," Hector sighed. "Someone brought a gun to a knife fight. I gotta respond."
"On Halloween?" I asked. "Are you sure it's not a prank?"
"I have my partner on the scene now," Hector nodded. "I gotta report in."
"Okay," I nodded. Hector gave me a kiss and opened the front door. "I'll be gone in the morning to open. So, Heaven and I won't be here around eight." Hector gave me a slight nod and left. "Well, I love you too."
"It's implied," Heaven smiled.
"Alexis, can I talk to you?" Blake asked. "Privately?"
"Yeah," I nodded. I showed him to the garage and closed the door. "What's up?"
"You know why we're here," Blake sighed. "You just didn't want to say it in front of them, or Hector."
"Blake, it's been a month over two years," I replied. "I've been with Hector for three."
The door opened. "Blake, we gotta go," Jayk sighed. "Jonnie called."
"Just give me a second," Blake nodded and Jayk closed the door. "Let me know if you change your mind." Blake walked to the door and I looked at him. "Maybe it was a bad idea coming here."
Blake left and I let a tear fall. I wiped it away. "Maybe it was," I sighed. I walked inside and held back my tears. "Heaven, I'm, uh, I'm going to turn in early."
"Okay," Heaven nodded. "I'll straighten things out here."
"Thanks," I slightly smiled.
"Yeah, it's no problem," Heaven smiled. I nodded and walked halfway up the stairs. "Alexis, are you sure you're alright?"
"Yeah," I nodded. "Don't worry about me." I went up to my room and left the door cracked a little bit. I got in bed without changing into my jammies. The next morning I woke up to a mascara stained pillow. "Great." I changed the pillow case and threw the stained one away. I showered and got dressed. Heaven wasn't even there. I grabbed my keys and got into my car and started driving. "Okay." Next thing I know, the cop is pulling me over. "What the hell?" I stopped my car. I see Hector get out. His partner was filming this with Hector's phone. Hector walked up to the car. "Hector, what's going on?"
"I ran your plates and I have to take you in," Hector replied.
"You can't be serious," I replied.
"I am," Hector replied. "Get out of the car, Alexis."
I did and we walked to the back of the Aston Martin. "What am I being arrested for?" I crossed my arms.
"Grand larceny," Hector nodded.
"What did I steal?" I asked. "I haven't stolen from anyone."
"Yes, you did because you stole it from me," Hector replied.
"What did I steal from you?" I asked.
"My heart," Hector replied. He got down on one knee and got out a box with a ring. I put my hands over my mouth. "Will you marry me?"
"Hector, yes," I nodded. Hector put the ring on me and I smiled. He got up and we hugged. "You didn't have to pretend to arrest me just to ask me."

"I'm glad to know that," Hector smiled. "But it'll be something you remember."
"Well, I love you," I smiled.
"I also noticed you got your nails done," Hector pointed.
"Yeah. This morning, actually."
"I'm going to let you get to work because I also gotta get back to work. I'll see you tonight? Pick you up for dinner?"
"Have your partner drop you off. I do have my car."
"Right," Hector nodded.
"See you at six," I replied. I drove to work and walked in. I went to the break room, clocked in, and took my position behind customer service. "Okay, we are opened for business."
"That's a nice ring," Jeremy looked at my finger. "Hector get it for you?"
"Yeah, we're engaged," I nodded.
"That looks like it cost him an arm a leg," Jeremy smirked.
"I wouldn't necessarily call it an arm and a leg, but maybe a dent in our bank account," I replied as I looked at the ring. "Honestly, I can tell you it wouldn't matter to me how big or small the ring is. I wouldn't even care if it was made of wood and a cheap gemstone. I was still married him because it's the thought that counts and you love the person for everything they had even if they don't have money."

So if he got you this ring you would still say yes?" Jeremy showed me a picture.

So if he got you this ring you would still say yes?" Jeremy showed me a picture

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"If he got me that, I would say I do in a heartbeat," I nodded. "It's our favorite color and the kanji symbol for his ranger suit means forest." A good two weeks had passed. I had put in my two weeks notice at work. I had quit my job at Kohl's. Hector parked the car right outside the front door of Kohl's. "You sure you don't wanna mail it?"
"You said you wanted to give it to him," Hector replied.
I walked inside. Luckily Jeremy was standing right there. "Hey Jeremy," I sighed as I walked up to him.
"I thought you'd be on your way to LA by now," Jeremy replied.
"Our UHaul is headed there and we're about to head out," I nodded. "But I wanted to give you this before we go." I got a wedding invitation out of my purse and handed it to him. "We were going to send it out in three weeks but I wanted you to have one first."
"You're having your wedding on Christmas?" Jeremy asked.
"It's going to be pretty warm," I nodded. "It's Malibu. So, if you can, please come."
"You can count on me being there," Jeremy nodded.
"I'll see you in a month then," I nodded. "Bye."

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