Chap 11 "God"

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Alexis' POV
I met up with Dean, Sam, and that one guy they call Chuck at a park. "Hey fellas," I sighed.
"What the hell is going on here, exactly?" Dean asked.
"I'm happy to fill in the blanks but maybe we should actually go somewhere where we can sit down," Chuck nodded.
"We're not going anywhere with you," Dean replied. "Okay, how do we even know that you're really Chuck and not just some crazy spell or manifest -" Chuck snapped his fingers and our surroundings changed. "- ation?"
A guy stepped out from behind Chuck. "Kevin?" I asked.
"Hey little sis," Kevin hugged me. He looked at Sam and Dean. "Guys!" I smiled. "You're looking stressed." He looked at Dean. "Especially you." We just looked at him. "I-it's cool. Trust Chuck. Whatever it is he needs you to do, he must think you can handle it." Dean put the necklace back in his pocket. "I always trusted all three of you."
"Yeah, that ended well," I nodded. I cupped Kevin's face. "I'm actually touching you."
"How did you - are you okay?" Sam asked. "Uhm..."
"Yeah, I mean, you know, given the circumstances," Kevin nodded.
"I don't mean to interrupt," Chuck cut in. "Kind of a plateful here. And Kevin, you've been in the Veil long enough. It's time you had an upgrade." Kevin turned into some kind of glowing mist and disappeared. "See you soon."
"Holy crap," Dean stated as we looked at Chuck.
We sat down. "Okay, so, wow, uhm, Chuck," Sam started. "Well, I guess we don't call you that, huh?"
"I prefer it," Chuck nodded.
Sam looked at me and I looked at Dean. "Uhm, I'm sorry," I sighed. "You're going to have to give us a moment to start to process. We didn't even know you were around."
"I mean, we knew about Chuck, but we just didn't know about the vessel," Sam replied. "I mean, I-I-I was hoping you were around. I-I-I prayed and I - but I didn't know if they got, uh, lost in the spam or if -"
"Sam?" Dean stopped him.
"Yeah?" Sam asked.
"Honey, you're babbling," I sighed as I put my hand on his shoulder.
"Okay," Sam stopped.
"You're like a crazy fangirl when they see their idol," I looked at Sam.
"I'm getting that not everyone's totally on board," Chuck nodded.
"Here's the thing, uhm, Chuck, and I mean no disrespect," Dean sighed. "Uhm, I'm guessing you came back to help with the Darkness, and that's great. That's, you know - It's fantastic." I nodded. "But you've been gone a - a long, long time. And there's so much crap that has gone down on the Earth for thousands of years." Dean looked at the floor. "Plagues, wars, slaughters. And you were, I don't know, writing books, going to fan conventions. Were you even aware, o-or did you just tune it out?"
"I was aware, Dean," Chuck replied.
"But you did nothing," Dean sighed. "And, again, I-I'm not trying to piss you off. You know, I don't want to turn into a pillar of salt."
"I actually - I didn't do that," Chuck stopped Dean.
I stood up. "This is where I'm going to use my safe word because this is God we're talking to and he can pretty much punish us for our sins," I sighed. I put my hand on my belly. "She's kicking pretty hard."
"Really?" Sam asked. I nodded as I grabbed his hand and put it where my little girl was kicking. "Wow, doesn't that freak you out?"
"No," I nodded. "Why? Does it freak you out, Sam?"
"A bit, yeah," Sam nodded.
"Yeah, okay," I smiled. "Look, I have to go and check out something. Just holler my name if you need me." I walked to my study and grabbed my backpack. I grabbed out a bag of chips and started eating. "Mhmm." It's been three days. I overheard Sam and I walked into the kitchen. "Sam, stop being such a nerd."
"It's really weird to see you pregnant," Dean looked at me.
"Whatever," I sighed.
"Suit up," Dean sighed. "Lewisville, Kansas."
"Okay," I nodded. I got into my maternity business suit. I grabbed my flats and walked into the study. "Guys, I have a problem."
"We're about to head out and you have a problem?" Sam asked.
"Can you just get my shoes on my feet?" I asked. Sam did. "Now we can go." We got into Dean's car and he drove us to Lewisville Police Department. We walked into the conference room the officer showed us to. "Professor Redfield? FBI." We showed our badges. "Nice to meet you."
"Call me Donatello," he replied as she shook Dean's hand. "I'm named after him."
"The Mutant Ninja Turtle?" Dean asked.
Sam looked at Dean like he was crazy. "I believe the professor is talking about the Renaissance sculptor," I raised a brow.
"That's right," Donatello nodded. We sat down. "The cops think I'm a terrorist. I - I teach chemistry at the university. I - I lead a quiet life. I have a cat!" I nodded. He looked at the table. "Had a cat..."
"Well, we are, uh, sorry for your loss," Sam replied. "Just a few questions. Other than the fog, did you notice anything or anyone that seemed out of place on the street that night?"
"I-it all happened to fast," Donatello nodded. "I, uh, it was like it came out of nowhere. We hardly ever get fog, and never like that. It was horrible. They were clutching their throats like-like-like they were choking."
"Yeah, I'm not going to be able to do this," I nodded. I walked out of the room and took a seat outside. "Whew."
"Agent Carver," said the officer as he walked up to me. I looked at him. "I'm Detective Amaro."
"Amara?" I asked.
"No, Amaro," he nodded. "Nick Amaro."
"Nice to meet you," I shook his hand. I put my hand on my belly. "Oh." Sam walked out of the room. "Anything?"
"Yeah," Sam nodded. Nick left. "He's a prophet." I looked at him. "He read the Enochian phrase I have written in my pad and he read it."
"Crap," I sighed. I nodded. Sam waked back into the room. I called JJ. "Pick up."
"Hello?" JJ picked up.
"Hey," I replied. "I'm going to need more time. Can you talk to Hotch?"
"Hotch said take all the time you need," JJ replied. "It's okay. You're only reading case file after case file and we haven't moved an inch since you left." I nodded. "Don't worry."
"Thanks," I stated and hung up. "That's great." Dean and Sam walked out with Donatello. "Time to go?"
"We're taking him," Dean nodded.
We got into the car. Sam let me sit in the front while he was stuck in the back with Donatello. "Tap me if you need me," I sighed. I put on my earphones to listen to music. We got back to the bunker. We walked into the study and I sat in the corner that Sam had made me with a comfortable rocking chair to sit in. "This is better." I kicked my shoes off and sat there and leaned back a little. "Ah." It was a few days later. We had to go and rescue Lucifer. I was waiting in the driver's seat as Sam, Donatello, and Megatron went inside. "Alright guys. Come on." I see Sam walked out with Lucifer who's in Cas' vessel and I see Donatello. They got in the car. "Where's Megatron?"
"Just drive," Sam nodded.
I slammed on the gas and started driving. "Where exactly are we going?" I asked. We were in quiet a hurry. I see Amara an I slammed on the breaks. I tried driving in reverse. The tired were going but the car wasn't moving. I just stopped. "She's got us."
"You really aren't worth sparing," Amara replied. "None of you."
I put my foot on the gas again. Next thing I know, our surroundings changed but we were still in the car. "What happened?!" Donatello exclaimed.
We got out of the car. "Uhm, we're at the bunker," I sighed. We walked inside and Chuck was sitting down. "Thank god."
"Occasionally, I do answer a prayer," Chuck smiled. "Especially when you have a little one coming along the way." Chuck looked at Lucifer. "You've changed."
"You've changed," Lucifer replied.
"Well, I'm still pretty much the same," Chuck nodded. Chuck healed him. "No need to thank me."
We met with Dean outside. "Still twitchy?" Dean asked. Donatello nodded. "Well, you met God, Lucifer, and Darkness. You're going to need a spa day." I sighed. "That or a pair of hookers."
"I have to sort it all out and see what comes out," Donatello sighed. "I'll probably see you guys again."
A cab pulled up. "Stay tuned," I nodded. "We might need you."
"And you," Dean looked at me. "After she comes out."
"Yeah," I smiled. Donatello left. "So, Megatron."
"He took one for the team?" Dean asked.
"Yeah, I would've have called that," Sam nodded. I nodded. "How about Amara?"
"She wants me to be a part of her," Dean sighed. "Not metaphorically - I mean literally, forever." I looked at Dean. "So, in other words, adios."
Dean walked up. "Wait, Dean," I sighed. I walked up to him. "Please, don't leave us."

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