Chap 12 "Another Guy?"

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Hector's POV
Alexis was into her sixth month of being pregnant with our baby girl. My phone rang. "Hello?" I picked up.
"It's JJ," the voice replied. "Alexis is here and I'm going to try and Rossi is going to try and stall her for us so you need to get down here as soon as possible."
"Okay," I replied and hung up. I got into my Lamborghini and drove to the BAU office. I walked into the conference room and Alexis had her back towards me. "Hm."
"Rossi, your eyes are doing this thing and that's how I know you're lying," Alexis replied. "They always twitch a little bit."
"I'm going to have to work on that," Rossi sighed.
"Alexis," Garcia replied. Alexis looked at everyone. "What?"
"Everyone of you are hiding something," Alexis replied. "Did something happen when I was gone?"
"Nothing's wrong," Garcia replied.
"Now, I now that's a lie because every single day you ask me if you can be the fairy godmother to my baby," Alexis looked at Garcia. "So, tell me. What's really going on?"
Garcia frowned. "You know, I really hate profilers," she stated.
"Get used to it, sweetheart," Alexis smiled.
"Why don't you turn around?" JJ asked.
Alexis did. "Hey," I sighed as I held up three I'm Sorry baskets. I put them on the table. "I know this doesn't undo all the trouble I caused but I figured it's a start."
"It's okay, Hector," Hotch nodded. "You didn't know. You were just following protocol."
"Yes sir," I nodded.
"If you think asking my team to forgive you was going to win me back," Alexis crossed her arms and looked at me. She smiled, "you were dead on." We hugged. "I guess now would be the time to tell you we're having a baby girl."
"I would've never guessed," I smiled but i had to hide the fact that Jeremy and Heaven told me. "Do you have a name picked out?"
"I'm going to go with what Garcia suggested," Alexis nodded. "Jareau Annette Rivera."
"You're going to use my first last name," I nodded.
"Yeah," Alexis smiled. "And Jareau, because JJ has always been a good mentor through the pregnancy."
"And here comes my brother," JJ smiled.
A tall blonde guy walked in. "Blake," Alexis smiled and hugged him. "I didn't know you were JJ's brother."
"She just calls me her brother," Blake smiled. "I can't believe you're pregnant."
"I guess your invite got lost in all the DMs somewhere," Alexis nodded.
"Yeah," Blake sighed. "I barely check that because of the fans."
"Maybe you should mute those and keep hers on," I nodded. "That way she can get a hold of you."
"Yeah," Blake sighed. "Wait, you have my number."
"See, I keep forgetting about that," Alexis sighed.
"Wait, you know this guy?" I asked.
"Meet him at a concert in 2014," Alexis nodded. "Well, two concerts because he was the performer."
"Oh," I sighed. "You never told me."
"Spencer," Alexis looked at Reid. "I need to ask you a huge favor."
"Yeah?" Reid asked.
"Would you like to be Jareau's god-father?" Alexis asked. Reid looked at us and his eyes were gleaming. "Hector and I are going to need someone to get her to Yale."
"Yeah, I'd like that," Reid smiled and he hugged Alexis. "Of course I'll be her god-father."
"How about a godmother?" Garcia smiled.
"See, there's the Garcia I know," Alexis nodded. "Actually, Hector and I have talked about this prior to me being pregnant and he would really like JJ to be the godmother." Garcia sighed. "But you're always welcome to help JJ out."
"I will do that," Garcia replied.
"Did you finish those case files?" Hotch asked.
"All twenty of them," Alexis nodded. "Even if they were lengthy."
"Good," Hotch sighed. "Because Morgan is gone, it's going to take all of us now. He knew a lot about the unsubs and now, Alexis is here." Alexis was confused. "Morgan said you'll deliver as much determination and dedication as he had to this team."
"He's right," Alexis nodded. "I give 110% in everything I do."
"And, if it's not an issue, I would like to lend a helping hand," I sighed. "Like I said, I did cause the problem."
"I would say you can take Alexis spot but you'll scare away the unsub," Rossi replied. "That's why Blake is here so he can play bait."
"You on the other hand, we have to get verified through LAPD before we could use you," Hotch sighed. "Garcia, start working on that. The rest of you, you know what to do."
"But me," Alexis pointed at herself. "I can't work in the field."
"She was assigned to work in the field, Hotch," JJ sighed. "What are we going to do?"
"JJ, you to take her spot in the field," Hotch explained. "Alexis, you're going to be doing communications."
"That sounds good," Alexis nodded.
"And he's verified," Garcia hit a button on her computer.
"Alright," Hotch sighed as he handed me a vest. "You're about to help us catch a serial killer. Trust me, you'll need it."
"One out of ten times, you'll get shot elsewhere other than your upper half," Reid nodded. "So put it on and don't fear anything."
"That just makes me feel a whole lot better," I sarcastically stated. "Is the kid always like that?" Alexis helped me get the vest on. "Are you going to answer me?"
"It's Dr. Spencer Reid," Alexis smiled. "He's always been a genius with an IQ of 187, an eidetic memory, and he can read 20,000 words per minute." I looked at Alexis. "So yeah, he's a genius but you'll get used to it."
"Does he always feel like you're going to die out of the possible outcomes?" I asked.
"Yes but ignore it and go with your gut," Alexis smiled. "Okay?"
"Yeah," I sighed as I walked out of the conference room. "What is the first case?"

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