☕Chapter 2

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Phil is heartbroken.

He and Alison just broke up. -(i just realised, wtf would i put my name here?? well, i identified as my seocnd name, back in the day 😂)

Alison told him he was a piece of shit that didn't desrve love, not worthy of love, and isn't good in bed.

To be honest, he is. Alison was just another person that broke him.

They were together for 2 years, but Alison was just... tired.

She didn't love Phil.

She lies.

And it's not just some innocent, white lie.

At first, it was. But it continued, and now his life was a trainwreck.

Normally, a guy who has broken up with somebody would drink it all up, but that's not his choice, he likes coffee more than liquor.

He grabbed his keys from his drawer.

He got up and went outside to his living room, he saw Alison was still there.

"I was just getting my stuff." Alison shot Phil a look,

"Yeah, okay." They both went outside together.

Phil closed the door, in case Alison would re-consider Phil and-

Shut it, heart. Brain says 'no', he thought.

Re-consider? She literally said she doesn't love you, he thought, tears forming.

Maybe I'm not capable of love, he thought, and then his tears threatened to fall.

The saddest thing is, he bought a ring to propose to Alison.

He loved her, very much.

But Alison really, didn't feel the same.

In Phil's past relationships, he noticed one thing in common.

He was just a bio-degradable person.

Throwing him away if they don't need them anymore.

He kept walking, adjusting his space-like coat, he liked this coat. But kinda hated it.

This was Alison's birthday present for him back in January, it was November now.

He was looking through cafés. But they were close, as expected. It was 3 A.M anyways, understandable.

But when he stumbled upon a café, it was open.


It's called, 'Café 24/7'.

Pretty self-explinatory, he thought.

"Hm, pretty decent."

He pushed the glass door and looked around.

It was absolutely stunning.

Fairy lights and christmas wreaths decorated this café.

Soft looking chairs on the other side, and then more shorter and bean-baggy chairs on the opposite side.

He went to the order thing-y and was served by a beautiful lady.

Her name tag said 'Lalaine Valentine'.

"Hello, welcome to Cafe 24/7, what would you like?" She smiled sweetly.

He looked up to the menu, it had almost the same menu as Starbucks, which was convenient, as he hasn't been here.

broken + phan AU [ON HOLD]Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz