☕Chapter 8☕

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Phil is confused.

They were now in the café, chit chatting and having some casual, kind of disturbing tbh bants.

Phil was sipping on his beverage, Dan and Sarah did too.

"Sarah, are you actually a lesbian?" Dan asked.

"Yeah. And I like someone, but... don't think she likes me back." She sighed, as she continued finishing her drink.

"I have a lesbian sister. I wanna hit her up with you." Dan giggled.

"You have a sister? How about Ade?" Phil asked, curious.

"Yeah, but I have a twin sister." Dan smiled.


"What's her name?" Sarah asked, beet-red.

"Danielle. The obvious name, to be honest." Phil replied.

"Correct." Dan nodded.

"W-wait, Danielle Jamie Howell? Oh uhm..." Sarah stammered.

"Wait, how'd you-"

"I like her, Dan." She was even redder now.

"Awwwe. My sister- nevermind. Yes, you two should meet!" Dan chuckled.

"She's from my school, and why are you sepa-"

"I dropped out last year." Dan sighed.

"Oh, sorry." Sarah apologised.

"It's okay, stop apologising," Dan continued.


"I am not weak!" Phil argued.

"You aree... one time you were on that swi-"

"No, Sarah Andy Williams you will not have an embarrasing storytime here."

"Nooo! I want to!" She was flailing like a baby now.

"Shut-up, ya 19-year-old baby mess." Oh, and Sarah and Phil had a 3-year age gap.

"Awwr, you think you're not weak Philly?" Dan whispered, and Phil was soothed by his voice.

"Yeah, n-no." Phil stuttered.

"Okay." Dan shrugged.

"I'll be on the bathroom, guys," Sarah explained and stood up, both of the boys just nodded their heads.

He just shrugged it off?, Phil thought.

Wait what's that?

Wait, look under- OH.





All of these emotions made him look like a human chili.

He was all red and you could see, Dan continued what he was doing, and looking at Phil with those kind of eyes.

"D-dan." Phil stammered, still blushing.

"You okay, Phil?" Dan asked innocently.

"Hm, uh, yeah. To-totally fine." Phil was running out of words, Dan still was playing footsies with him.

"Are you sure you're not weak, Philly?" Dan whispered seductively.

The things this boy does to me.

"I'm definitely weak." Phil answered.

"Hmm." Dan stopped. And Phil was relieved,

Phil sighed, his sigh full of relief.

"Do you want me to kiss you again?" Dan asked out of the blue.

"I would gladly let-" Phil was cut off, as Dan went for it.

They were kissing now, and Phil shifted into a proper making out position.

Y'know that position.

Phil cupped Dan's face and Dan's tongue asked for entrance.

Phil let him, and it has been 15 seconds.

Their tongues explored each others mouths, and they were enjoying it, a lot.

Dan opened his mouth a bit, and let out a quiet moan.

Dan continued, and so did Phil.

They went on, and on.

More fireworks, butterflies surrounding them.

It was a makeout session now.

Phil was enjoying this, really.

And he could obviously tell that Dan was too.

Phil had always been confused with his sexuality, since he was 13, when he met boy on his primary school.

But when he was in middle school, a lot of his so-called "friends" back then, told him it was wrong to be liking anoher guy, so Phil dated girls, to cover up the fact he was attracted to boys.

Phil ain't bisexual. Phil ain't pansexual. Not even hetero-flexible.

He was just gay.

And he's fucking proud with that.

Phil's mum and dad already knew, and were extremely supportive which was good.

Dan stopped kissing for air, he let go of the kiss and breathed out.

Phil looked at Dan with loving eyes. (love eyes lester where you @)

Dan's lips were red raw.

And Phil liked the sight of that.

"Just friends?" Dan asked,


Did Dan only want to be 'just friends'? Cause I don't.

That was, erm...


Ily bbys xx

- ally is tired and excited for no reason wtf

broken + phan AU [ON HOLD]Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ