☕Chapter 7☕

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Dan was ready.

Dan didn't straighten his hair cause we has too lazy.

He opened his large bedroom window and set off his long ladder.

He climbed down and saw Phil's car parked on the road.

Dan saw a girl with tattoos and had purple hair. He also saw Phil, wearing a lighting blue t-shirt that had "whatever".

She was wearing a shirt that had, "sorry, I'm a lesbian" written on it.

Dan chuckled,

Sarah looks very stylish. He thought.

He finally was down, he patted his shoulders and ruffled through his hair.

"Hey guys!" Dan shouted.

"Oh, hi Dan!" Phil beamed.

"Oi!" Sarah grinned.

"I didn't actually think you guys would come here." Dan returned the friendly gestures.

"Are you kidding? Why would I decline meeting a boy that has my sense of humour and has Phil's adorobleness. I mean, tbh, Phil is more adorable- but hey." She chuckled.

"Right? Phil could kill someone from his adorableness."

"Oh shut up you two. Let's go to the café, shall we?" Phil replied.

"Come with me, m'lady." Phil offered his hand, to Dan.

"First of all, not a lady. I'm not trans. I'm gay. Second of all, sure." Dan places his hand onto Phil's and grabbed him.

They were doing the couple-y thing!

Fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck you butterflies! Dan thought.

They were walking now, Dan adjusted his coat and so Phil did too.

"You guys are so married," laughed Sarah.

"Idiot!" Phil hit Sarah gently.

"Ow! But- but- you didn't deny itttt."

"Fine, maybe Dan and I are married." Phil joked along.

"Of course we are, babe."

Fuck, Dan thought.

Fuck, Dan, what have you done?!

He mentally slapped himself.

Sarah was clearly squealing and Phil was blushing.

Really, really hard.

Phil's pale skin made him look like a tomato when he blushes.

"Aw, babe, you're blushing." Dan joked.

But I don't want for it to be a joke.

Shut up, heart. Brain says "No."

"Really? Awww! Phil is!" Sarah pointed at Phil, making Phil blush even more, if that's possible.

"Please stop bullying me. I mean, how can you not blush with Dan's accent, saying your name?" Phil also mentally slapped himself, maybe.

"Aw, thanks." Dan planted a kiss to Phil's cheek.

Phil was dazed.

Did I just make a move.

Did I just make a fucking move?

"Fuck!" Sarah squealed.

"Thanks, Dan," Phil chuckled, still tomato-red.

What is he gonna do now.

"Fuck it, Dan."


Phil smashed their lips together.

Dan was shocked at first, but he kissed back anyways.

Dan let go of Phil's hand, cupping his face.

Dan's tongue asked for entrance, and Phil let him.

Their tongues explored each others mouths.

Fireworks were everywhere.

Butterflies were everywhere.

Both of their hearts were fluttering and doing that flippy over thing. (i fucking swear)

Dan felt Sarah was looking at them sweetly.

Dan didn't care.

All he wanted was this.

Phil let go of the kiss, and fluttered, opened his eyes.

Dan let go of Phil's face.

And brown met blue.

"I always wanted to do that." Phil smiled.

"Me too."

"Just friends?"

"Just friends."

But Dan didn't want to be "just friends".

He wanted more than "just friends".


Roses are red,

Cum is sticky.

Oh my fucking god.

That escalated quickly.

But it's part of the plot.


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