Chapter 3

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 (Jaden in Multi-Media)

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(Jaden in Multi-Media)

 (Kayleen, Jaden's best friend in Multi-Media)

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(Kayleen, Jaden's best friend in Multi-Media)

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When I had woke up early that morning, realization hit me. I FOUGHT MY DAD. TWICE AT THAT! Well almost twice but I ain't have enough energy, so the second time was just a heat argument. But I also felt bad, I mean we both have our problems. They're just different from each other.

Once I was fully wake, I had to take a piss. Once I got out of the bed and put the cover back over Jay'Cee since he was still it a deep slumber, I went and did my morning hygiene. Once done with that I went to go turn the shower on so that I can take one and get ready for what ever happened today.

Once out the shower, I went back to me took to see that Jay'Cee was up and wasn't in my room anymore. Shrugging it off I went to my draw and picked out a pair of black Tommy Hilfiger underwear, with a pair of Black joggers, and a all white v-neck shirt, and my all black nike Air-Force 1's.

Making my way downstairs I was actually in a good mood and feeling really kind today.

"Good Morning Dad," I say cheesing really hard as he drinks his coffee and read his morning paper. But all he does is give me the evil eye. Who pissed in his coffee ??_??

"JADEN, KAYLEEN IS TEXTED YOU !" Jay'Cee says while rushing to me with my phone in his hand

"Why you brought it to me?" I say chuckling

"Because that your Bestfriend," He says while crossing his arms.

"She could have waited," I say while getting a bowl out the cabinet.

"Okay I'm going to tell her that." he says while walking away.

"CHILLLLLLL!" I yell as he walks up the stairs back to what ever he's doing.

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