I'm in love with my rapist

261 17 10

"Luke bullied me for 4 whole years. He drowned my parents and poured bleach in my cousin's eyes. Then a few months ago, he made me eat the poop that he stepped on in front of the whole school and proceeded to rape me that same night. I don't know how to say this but... I think I'm in love with him."


double negative

What a nice way to ruin the moment


What in the world is ur problem, bitch u can't "like" being raped ya can like sex but not being raped gurl there's a biiiig difference. My fucking school has a poster saying "SEX IS NOT A 4 LETTER WORD" do u want me to make u 69 copies of that to fill ur room

Gurl I could fold u in 2 and put u in my recycle bin.

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