Prince charming

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"I have nowhere else to go... nobody cares about me. I hate this feeling, the feeling of darkness taking you away from the world. I just... don't know how to live anymore. I don't know what is going to happen next, but I know it's going to hurt me. And that's why I started cutting. But I can't take this anymore. I don't want to live anymore..."

"No, Rachel, don't do this."

"K. Lmao"


Rachel is going to be the 3rd hoe I'm going to fold and put into my recycle bin.

Srsly I don't think a hot-cute-handsome-20-to-28-year-old-very-great-looking-and-also-is-fucking-good-with-singing-and-loves-babies-and-is-popular-af male would change your ideas about life

U know what it might

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