Song lyrics

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Dis is one of the shit I hate most about fanfics.

So u know those cute little lyrics that they write in the fics that just warm ur heart and shit...? Well it's all fucking adorable and stuff bUT DON'T PUT THE WHOLE FUCKING SONG LYRICS IN UR STORY. I MEAN, LOOK AT DIS.

He looked at me as he started his speech.
"I've had friends... a lot of them. But I had this one special person who was always beside me even in the worst moments. So I have a song to sing to her.


OK so u get what I mean?

So there's 2 things that just makes me wanna punch ppl:

1. When u don't even know the song and can't sing to it whatsoever

Srsly the struggle is real

2. When it's in another language and even if it's ur jam, YA CAN'T RECOGNIZE THE LYRICS

help me out here we gotta end this shit. Like, put 2 sentences from the song lyrics but not the whole song. U know that we readers are gonna skip that shit anyways

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