Super Smash Bros.: A New Generation

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       Nintendo decides to bring their best game franchise to the next level. Inspired by the accomplishments of Kirito, a major player of Alfheim Online and the hero of Sword Art Online, Super Smash Bros. is now an online virtual fighting game and now supports the Nerve Gear gaming accesory. Life-long smashers: Mason and his two brothers Myles and Morgan, and also Emily, have joined the new Smash Bros. Community. There, they meet Klein who shows them around and how things work in the new world. They also meet up with some of the characters of the actual franchise who have a built-in artificial intellegence that allows them to communicate and interact with all the human players. All the heroes have the memories of what they did in the events of the smash saga as if they actually happened. But a mysterius force appears that wasn't programmed in the game and begins to kidnap the original smashers and somehow, they're using their powers for evil. Who is the mastermind behind these kidnappings? How will the new smashers deal with this crisis?

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