. Chapter 8: Solid Sister

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"Link start!" said a young feminine voice."Watch out brothers. I'm going to show you what I'm really capable of." she said.


     "Well, let's see. According to this recent activities board, Mason and company all took a warp pipe to Bowser's castle." Morgan explained to the team.

     "What the heck are they doing there?" Myles said.

     "Maybe it's a quest." Kirito suggested. 

     "They also have Sonic, Megaman, Mario and Bowser with them." Morgan added. 

     "Why are they with them? Something big must be going down." Myles said, crossing his arms and tapping his foot. 

     "What I want to know is how we're going to get to that castle." Asuna said.

A random group of players walked by with an interesting conversation. Myles did some eavesdropping, listening in on them.  

     "Nobody's been able to stop her, she's just recently joined and she's already giving alot of major players a run for their money. They're calling her the Solid Sister. You'll normally see her in the form of Snake, which is where she gets her nick name from. But still she'll use whatever character and still put the hurt on you, she's been accepting any challenge put before her and taking most of her opponents down swiftly. She's a real force to be reckoned with."

     Myles joined back up with his group. "Guys, looks like we have a slight change of plans. We're going after the Solid Sister! We'll then resume our search for Mason."

     "What?! How are we ever going to catch up to him if make stops like this?" Kirito complained.

     "Kirito, this could serve as a training exercise. When we resume our quest, we  will be twice as strong as we were before."  Asuna explained.

     "Plus, if we get her to join us, we'll have a formiddable ally on our side." Myles added.

    "C'mon guys, there's been a recent sighting of  the solid sister in the next town, if we hurry, we might be able to catch her." Morgan stated.

     "Then what are we waiting for? Let's go!" Myles yelled, running off.    

     "Has he always been this way?" Kirito asked.

     "Only since we've been in this game. I don't know what's wrong with him."


     Myles barged into a door with his team following. "Are you sure this is the place?"

     "Sure I'm sure! Look, she's right over there." Myles said, pointing towards the girl at the other end of the room. The darkness hid her face.

     "I've been expecting you." she said.

     "Something about you seems familiar. Do I know you?" Myles said.

     "Maybe, maybe not. Maybe you'll learn more during out battle." she replied.

     "If it's a fight you want, then it's a fight you'll get!"

     "So how will this be, all of you taking me on at once?" she said.

     "I'll take you on by myself!"

     "What? Really?"

     "Are you serious?!"

     "He's serious." Morgan sighed.

     "I mean come on. We'll all know I stand a better chance against her then he does." Kirito bragged.

     "Shut up Kirito!" Asuna said.

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