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For LadyD3blin

I couldn't stop my coughing. It felt like my lungs were on fire. And I could swear that I could taste blood in my mouth. I could hear the rain pounding against the glass as my heartbeat rapidly tried to match the rhythm. I gripped the sheets to my body as a painful pulse traveled over my body. I felt like I was dying.

"You okay, Scott?" I couldn't pinpoint the voice at the moment. I couldn't even open my eyes. The light turned on and I turned from the source. It hurt even with my eyes closed. I felt a cold hand come to rest on my forehead. I sighed in relief. That felt really good. "He's running a fever. Jack, what's wrong?" I recognized the voice now. Mitch. The light turned back off.

"We'll find out in a minute. We need to get to the storm shelter."

"They won't let him in if he's sick. Please." The hand was taken off of me. I let out a pathetic whimper. "He's hurting." There was a long period of silence between the two where my coughing was the only thing breaking the silence.

"Wait here." I heard someone leave the room. The hand returned to my forehead.

"It's okay, Blue. I'm not going to leave you again." My only response was a fit of coughs. I felt him lay down next to me. He brought my head to rest on his chest. I gripped him tightly. He was so cold. "You're shaking." He tried to move away.

"No. Please." My grip on him tightened weakly.

"What's going on, Scott?" I shrugged. He tilted my head up and kissed me. The pain seems to lessen in those moments. Even though I know it was an illusion and it would go away as soon as the kiss stopped. I enjoyed every second. He ended the kiss with a giggle. "You're sweaty." I shook my head, a smile coming to my lips. The door opened.

"Okay. I have this. Let's see if it controls his coughing." I was sat up by both Jack and Mitch. I cracked my eyes open. It didn't hurt anymore. Mitch gasped, falling back on the floor.

"What?" My voice was hoarse. They both weren't touching me. Mitch was looking up at Jack and Jack had his eyes narrowed at me. Next thing I know, the older man pulled out his gun and put it to my forehead.

"No!" Mitch came to sit in front of me and knocked the gun away.

"Mitch! Get out of the way!" Jack was yelling, his gun returning to point at me. This time though, Mitch was acting as a human shield. "We don't know what he's becoming."

"You didn't know what I was becoming! Yet you decided to take a chance. Let's take a chance on him." Jack hesitated. Then he threw a pair of sunglasses at me.

"Put them on. We have to get to the storm shelter." He holstered his weapon. Mitch stood up and turned to help me. But I felt much stronger now. I stood up by myself. He gave me a forced smile. I went to go splash water on my face in the bathroom. I was pulled out before I could see myself. Mitch held my face in his hands.

"No mirrors. Not yet." I put on the jacket he handed me and then the sunglasses. He pulled my hood up. "Let's go." He held my hand. Jack led us through the rainy and windy outdoors to the shelter. We made our way over to a corner. No one was around us. Mitch took off my sunglasses for me. I wish I could see the reflection in his eyes. But there seemed to be no other emotion except for fascination. Jack stood next to us with his back against the wall and his hand close to his gun. He was prepared to defend Mitch at any moment. I went to look around but Mitch stopped me. He smiled softly. "How are you feeling?"

"Better." I told the truth. Ever since I've opened my eyes, I've felt much better. His hand came to my forehead. I could feel his normal body temperature. He hadn't been cold at all. My body had just been hotter than normal. Yet, I didn't feel a fever anymore.

"How does your body feel?" His hand came to rest on my cheek. I thought about it.

"Stronger." That was the first word that came to mind. I could feel how strong my body had become when I would flex a certain muscle. And I could feel everything. It was like my senses were extremely hypersensitive. Like a dust particle falling on my shoulder would give a little tickle. And my eye sight. I could see every flaw in the wall or even the pores on Mitch's face. The tiny beads of dirt that the hazardous rain didn't wash away. Or his eyebrows pulling together in worry. "What?"

"That's just the thing. I don't know." Mitch looked behind me. I could tell he was looking for Jack's advice. A heard a mock gun sound. It was no doubt pointed at the back of my head. Mitch shook his head. He turned back to me. "I won't let anything happen to you. Just please understand that." He sighed, leaning back against the wall. I looked over his posture. He was worried about me.

"What's wrong with me, Mitch?" He tensed at my question. I could hear his heartbeat quicken and the blood pumping faster though his veins. I could hear Jack shifting behind me and his heartbeat as well. His was beating just as fast. I could hear the person across the room itching their arm and the undeniable sound of Avi's voice talking to someone else in hush tones.

"I don't know." Mitch whispered.

"Why won't you look at me?" He had been avoiding eye contact the whole time we were in the shelter. He made eyes contact. I saw the pain on his face. He came to touch the area around my eyes.

"I can't call you 'Blue' at the moment."

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