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For Scomichemylife

*Two Weeks Later*

"Look at that." Mitch ran ahead of the group. He was pointing towards an old Ferris wheel. He had a shine in his eyes just like when we were kids. He looked so happy right now. "Can we go in?"

"I don't think that's a good idea." Jack was looking around. There was nothing in sight that could get us hurt.

"Oh, come on. They were kids when this started. A little fun won't hurt them." Kevin was on our side. Mitch ran over to grab Jack's hand.

"Please, Jack! Please." The only thing he could do was nod. Mitch came over to grab my hand. He pulled me in the rundown festival. There were small stands were you were supposed to win little prizes. Mitch went over to one where you have to knock down the bottles. He jumped over the counter. He popped back up when I came to the booth.

"Hello, sir. Would you like to play a game?" I laughed at him, shaking my head. Avi jumped over the counter with Mitch.

"Get back over there." Avi prepped to play his role. Mitch came to stand by me. "Would you two like to play a game?"

"Yes!" Avi set up the game. The three bottle were stacked in pyramid and he gave us three of the heavy carnival balls. Mitch tried his first shot. He missed completely. I bit my lip to stop my laugh. His last shot was the closest and he still missed by a lot. I couldn't stop my laughter this time.

"You try and do better."

"Okay." Avi handed me three but Mitch took two away. I looked at him in disbelief. "Why?"

"No. You made fun of me so you just get one. And besides, you have that zombie vision." I rolled my eyes at him. I grabbed the ball and was looking at the bottle stacks. I would have to hit in the middle of the bottom ones. I decided to throw. And the whole thing tumbled down. I looked over at Mitch. He shoved me. "Jerk." I laughed. Avi rummaged around in the back. He came back with a teddy bear.

"It's a little damaged but here." I grabbed the bear and gave it to Mitch.

"Is this because I'm pathetic?" He asked, taking the bear. It had a missing ear. I shrugged.

"Or I think you're cute." I put my hands in my pockets and walked away. He followed after me. He stopped me by walking in front of me.

"You can just say that and walk away."

"I did." His hand on my chest kept me from leaving.

"I bet I could get one of these running." We both looked towards Jack. He was standing in front of a power box. "They have labels."

"I doubt they ran on solar energy." I said as I came over to stand next to Jack. The older man scratched his beard. "The power hasn't worked in five years." He kicked something next to his right leg.

"They ran on generators. And this one still has some gas. So...." He clapped his hands together and turned on his heels to look at all of us gathered behind him. "What do you guys want to do first?"

"You cheater!" Kevin yelled. It was thirty minutes later and after clearing out the ring, we were in bumper cars. And I have to say, everyone turned back into toddlers. We were hitting each other. Ignoring the rules that were weathered away by storms. It just felt really great. There was no apocalypse. Not when we went on a roller coaster or Ferris wheel. It was only when the gas went out that everything came back. Thankfully not when we were on the Ferris wheel.

"That was so much fun." Mitch plopped down on the ground. I looked down at him. The adults had gone to see if they could find another generator. I think they wanted this to continue as much as we did.

"This is dangerous."

"Now you're starting to sound like Jack." I put my hands in my pockets nervously. Mitch sat up.

"I'm just thinking about your safety." I whispered it. He smiled, standing up. He pulled me over behind one of the prize kiosks. "Mitch-"

"Relax. We'll be fine."

"Yeah. That's what you said at the mall." He laughed, sliding down against the wall.

"Just relax. Don't you have heightened senses? You'll know when we are in any danger. So sit with me."


"Please." He stuck his bottom lip out in a pout. I sighed and gave in. I sat down next to him, looking around. I didn't want to screw anything up about this whole delivering the cure to the government. Mitch leaned over to lift my sleeve up. He was looking at where the bite used to be. It had healed perfectly without leaving a scar. "I guess this is where you're the lucky one." I pulled up his sleeve now. I brought his scar up to my lips and kissed it lightly. When I looked back at him, he was blushing.

"What are we?" I could feel my hot breath bouncing off his skin. He pulled his arm away quickly.

"I don't know." He ran his fingers across the bumps of the scar. "I mean, normal terms just feel weird in this situation. I do know I care about you. And you are special to me. More than anyone else has ever been."

"Well, you're the same to me."

"Then we'll just be each other's special someones." He said it so nonchalantly. But when I looked at him, his face was so red. He kissed me. I was surprised when he put his leg on the other side of my hips. I grabbed his face in my hands. He was a really good kisser. Then again, I never kissed anyone but him. I felt his hands creep inside my shirt. His fingers gliding across my skin.

"Mitch! Scott!" We broke apart at the sound of the adults. They were looking for us.

"We should go back." I whispered. Mitch nodded. We helped each other up. He began to walk away. "Mitch."

"Hmm?" I handed him the bear. He accepted it with a hug. "Thank you." And we went back to the others.

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