The Cure

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For ilse2512

A/N: Sorry from my absence from my profile and the stories that I write. But everything has been kind of hectic. Anyways, this is the last chapter. I will be continuing to write my other stories. But this one is done.

If you would like to read more of my stories, they're on my profile. Otherwise, I hope you find all your scomiche needs.

-Nikkie :)s

"Stay the hell away from him!" I placed myself in front of Mitch. Kirstie looked at me in surprise. She had a needle in her hand.


"Scott, no." Mitch came out from behind me. He held my face in his hands. One look at him and I relaxed. He gave me this little smile. "I'm volunteering for this. It's about time we start saving people." He went over to sit on an operation table.

"You understand what we need to do, right?" Kirstie came over next to him. He nodded. I watched Mitch get lowered down on the table. He took a deep breath. I watched her pick up a drill. I came over to grab her hand.

"What the fuck do you think you're doing?"

"Scott?" I turned towards Mitch. He was sitting up now. "It's not in my blood. They have drill to get-" He stopped.

"We have to get a sample of Mitch's bone marrow. We've scanned everywhere else. This can be the only possibility." Kirstie continued for him.

"Will it hurt him?" Kirstie was now looking for Mitch for help.

"Yes. We don't have anything left to numb the pain."

"Then he's not doing it." I grabbed his hand and began pulling him out of the room. He struggled against me.

"No! Scott!" His hand slipped through. "I have to do this! You even told me I would have to do this!"

"Yes! But not if you're going to get hurt!" I went to grab his arm again. He shook his head at me.

"No....This could get you back to normal. I'm going to do it whether you like it or not!" I was grabbed by security. I looked over at Kirstie while Mitch went back to the table.

"If you take me out of this room, I won't hesitate to kill everyone in my way to get back here." I felt something cold go around one of my wrists. I looked down at handcuffs connecting me to a steel handrail.

"You aren't going anywhere." Kirstie spoke simply. She had Mitch change into one of those paper gowns and lay on his side. His back was in view for me. Kirstie turned on the drill and moved it close to his skin. I could see how tense he was. Then he began screaming at the top of his lungs. The sound pierced my ears. I tried to get myself loose. I was pulling, trying to rip the rail from the wall. It was latched in there pretty tight. I sat on the ground and kicked the wall. I even thought about chewing my arm off. But the screaming stopped. I could hear Mitch sobbing. The drill was replaced in Kirstie's hands with a needle. She stuck it in the newly formed wound. Mitch whimpered. "Get these to the lab right away." She handed the needle to another person and they disappeared.

"Are you done?" I was furious.

"Fascinating." She came to kneel just out of my reach. She was looking over at me. "Usually, your eyes are red. But milky white makes them look more zombie. So it reacts with Mitch. Looks like the cure is sentimental." Sentimental? The cure? But it was in Mitch.

"M'am?" She looked towards the man that took the needle. He shook his head. "Negative. There is no cure in Mitch."

"No. Of course not. It's moved to a better host." She smiled at me.

"You did that for nothing!" I lunged at her. She moved away in time to dodge my hand. Mitch was being patched up by someone else.

"I had to test my theory. And I knew you wouldn't go through the testing unless I did something to convince you. Because there can be a remnant of the cure in Mitch. But the surgery would kill him. Kind of how this one almost did."

"Why would it kill him?"

"Because it's in his brain. We'd have to remove it." Two men lifted Mitch from the table. Mitch's head was lazily hanging down. He had passed out.

"Where are they taking him?" I watched them as they left the room.

"Back to his room. He'll be resting." Kirstie moved a piece of my hair out of my face. My hand shot out to grab her by the throat. I stood up and brought it so her toes were barely on the ground. She was making these desperate noises.

"You hurt him for nothing! Give me a reason why I shouldn't rip into your throat right now!" She clawed at my hand. I released her to collapse on the ground.

"Because you can turn people. The soldier-" She stopped to cough loudly. "He became a zombie. You have the cure!" Everything suddenly clicked.

"What would have happened if Mitch got bitten again?"

"His body could take scratches. But a bite, it would have changed him." I slid down against the wall. If he had gotten bit, he would be one of those things. I felt my body numb. "We need to do this, Scott. Once and for all." I nodded.

"I just need to. I need to go real quick. I'll be back."

"Everything will be set up." That was the last thing I heard her say as I stumbled through the hallways. I saw Avi and Kevin watching tv, hand in hand. I made my way to Mitch's room. Jack was in there, holding the boy I love's hand.

"Scott? Is everything okay?" I ignored him and went over to Mitch. I kissed his forehead.

"I love you." I whispered. His nose crinkled in his sleep. I turned to Jack. "Keep him safe. I might be down a couple of days." I began to walk out.

"Is it true?" I grabbed the doorframe. "Are you the cure?" I swallowed nervously.

"I guess we'll find out. Bye Jack." An hour later, I was sitting on the operating table. I was laying on my back. The x-rays showed these growths on certain areas of my body.

"We have evidence that shows Mitch used to have these. But smaller." Kirstie pointed at them. I closed my eyes and took a deep breath.

"So how long until I can get back on my feet?" I asked. Kirstie for once seemed at a loss for words.

"Scott...." She looked at the rest of the nurses and then to the mirror where others doctors were watching.

"I'm not coming back from this am I."

"No. You're not. We have to harvest all of them. The ones in the brain being the most important." I nodded slowly at her explanation.



"No. It's okay. I've lived enough in this world to die happy. I just wish I could have said a proper goodbye to everyone." I heard tapping on the glass. Jack, Avi, and Kevin were standing there. I managed to keep the tears from falling. I looked back up at operation light. "Okay. I'm ready." I don't feel pain anyways. I don't bleed. I can just feel this tickling as the harvested all the ones that wouldn't kill me.

"Now it's time for the brain. Are you sure?" Kirstie held the scalpel in her shaking hands. I nodded. I let out a shaky breath.

"No! Scott!" There was pounding on the glass. I looked over at Mitch. He was crying. He wasn't supposed to be walking.



"Just do it before I change my mind." The tears were flowing now. The banging continued. The pain set in when she started cutting my scalp. It was the cure's defense mechanism. I let out a loud scream.

"Scott!" Then it was black. The last thing I heard was Mitch's whispering voice.

"I love you too."

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