He Lives Up To His Reputation Chapter 8

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The third time I woke up, I felt completely refreshed, still sluggish, but refreshed if that makes any sense. I could see a warm ray of sunlight seeping through my balcony door's curtains, indicating that the rain was long gone, I then looked at my big clock hanging just above my TV. 10:34 am. I was actually expecting myself to sleep all the way till the evening. Afraid that I was going hurt myself again, I carefully pulled my body up. It still hurt, but the pain was bearable. I stretched my arms as high up as I can and let out a sigh of content. I swung my feet off the edge of the couch, and stood up. I guess I should get my day started.

Not even a full step forward, I found myself tripping over something large and sturdy. Since I was still in pain, I didn't have the ability to catch myself before slamming my torso onto my wool carpet. I landed with a loud thump and loudly groaned in pain. What the hell did I just trip over? My own feet? I twisted my body around until I was facing the couch behind me. On the floor next to the couch, I saw Shadow staring back at me while rubbing his cheek right cheek. He furrowed eyebrows while having a frown on his face.

"What?! You're still here!?" I yelled out in astonishment.

"Keep your voice down. I can hear you just fine." Shadow stood up, still continuously rubbing his cheek. "Aren't you going to say sorry?"

I narrowed my eyebrows, unsure what he meant. "What? What did I do?"

Shadow shook his head in disappointment and sat on the couch, with his elbows perched on his thighs. "You kicked my face, you imbecile."

"Imbecile? Sorry, but I'm not Knuckles." I arched my body back up and stood shoulder width apart with my arms crossed. I quickly changed into a different standing position because I realized that I stood exactly like Shadow's stupid pose.

"I'm surprised you can even stand up." Shadow leaned back with the same "I don't care look" look on his face, both his arms stretched across the top of the couch.

"I'm stronger than I look okay? Also, I'm surprised you're even still here." I walked over to my kitchen and put on a kettle to boil some water, as I prepared some sweet tea for myself. I should offer Shadow some tea, you know, since he technically my guest right now. Actually nah, he probably only likes to drink the tears of sad babies. I giggled to myself, earning a look of concern from Shadow.

"What?" He asked.

"It's none of your business" I spewed back.

He scoffed and shook his head. Finally, my boiling water was ready. I poured the steaming water into my favourite cup and stirred in the tea bag. I slowly added two teaspoons of sugar and went back to stirring.

"Impolite and stupid I see."

I widen my eyes at Shadow who just randomly criticized me. "Excuse me? Last time I check, I did absolutely nothing."

He got up from the couch and headed towards the front door. He turn around, making sure I locked eye contact with his. "You wouldn't be here if it weren't for me. I believe it is customary to say thank you to your saviour."

I opened my mouth, but then quickly shut it. He was right, I didn't even bother to thank him. I looked down at my tea and felt my cheeks growing hot from embarrassment.

"R-right... Thanks... Shadow."

"Hmph" I saw him grabbing onto the doorknob and unlocking the lock.

"Wait!" I called out, as I stop stirring my hot tea.

Shadow looked back. He's lips were in a fine line and he's eyes had a hint of annoyance from me calling him out.

"Why-- um... I thought you were driving the gang to Tony's party."

"I did."

"Then how did you pick me up?"

"The party had to stop earlier than they expected. Apparently there was a brutal fight between Tony and some bull. Rouge called me up, I picked them up, drop them off to their houses, and then I saw you, laying in the rainy weather on the sidewalk wearing what used to be a white dress. By the way, you're still wearing it."

I looked down at my body. Shadow was right. My dress was incredibly dirty with mud stains and grains of dirt still sticking all over the front side.

"So, not only are you stupid, impolite, you're also lucky." He purposely emphasized the words that would hit me the most. Shadow leaned against the doorframe waiting for my reply.

"I... I guess I am... I'm really in your debt now. Ha ha." I awkwardly laughed.

Silence fell through the room. It felt like 20 years had flew past us.

I shuffled my shoulders and cleared my throat. "Aren't you gonna ask me how I even got there to begin with?"

Shadow looked down at my wool carpet. It seemed like he was pondering on my question.



In a blink of an eye, Shadow abruptly turned around and open the front door, closing it rather hard behind him. I stood there speechless and surprised that Shadow didn't even bother to ask what happened to me. I physically pulled on my quills and stomped out of the kitchen into my room and flopped down on it. I pushed my face into my pillow and screamed as loud as I could.


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