Beg For Her Chapter 45

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He was kneeling in front of me with my body tightly against his. I started to bawl my eyes out, not caring that I was getting Shadow's fur all snotty and wet.

"I-I-I-.." I stammered, not able to get out a coherent sentence together.

"Don't speak." He hushed. He was trying to get the knots out of the rope that bonded my wrist together. "What were you doing here to begin with?" He said in a soft tone.

I sniffled and dug my face into his shoulder, pressing my eyes against it. "I wanted to know about you..." I said quietly.

Shadow froze. He then brought my face out of his shoulder and stared straight at me. "What?" He hissed.

My whole gaze was focusing on Shadow, blurring out the background. I sniffled some more and did little baby gasp of air. "I wanted to find out what your job was a-and when I d-did, I started to l-learn that there was more s-secrets kept from m-me." God I hated it when people spoke like that. Little unnecessary pauses between letters.

Shadow narrowed his eyebrows and frown. "You're telling me that you could've been potentially raped because of me? You're telling me that you were late for our date because of ME!?" Shadow raised his voice which scared me.

I slowly nodded my head and began to cry again. Shadow brought my head back to his shoulder and nuzzled his face into my quills. "You idiot... Everyone has secrets they don't want to talk about..."

"Don't you trust me!?" I yelled out.

"What?" He ask in a dumbfounded, a little taken aback from my outburst.

I shook my body out of Shadow's embraced and angrily examined him. "Shadow I love you! I've been open with you since the very beginning! What's wrong with me that you can't possibly trust me!? Is it because we just started talking this year, is it because you think I'm a loud mouth or is it the fact that I'm not even your 6 year relationship girlfriend, but the fucking side bitch!?"

Shadow's eyes widen with astonishment. "Amy.." He started off in his soothing voice.

"No, stop saying my name like that!" I interjected. "You gave me false hope on this fucked up relationship and you keep building up my feelings for you! Like--" I sniffled and shook my head. "Like what am I to you?" I finally finished off my vent in a shaky voice.

His diverted his eyes from mine and closed them. His face was sad, something completely rare to me. He looked back up at me and gave a pitiful smile.

"Amy I..." Suddenly his faced winced in pain as his body arched away from me. He then was suddenly thrown all the way outside, hitting the alleyway's wall and landing with a hard crash. He fell to the ground with his back facing the sky. My eyes widen when I saw what was in his back; it was a knife.

I then felt my front bangs being pulled up, forcing me to stand up and let out a shriek. I turned my face to the side to see Scourge holding onto my quills with a dark gritted frown. "H-how.." I started off, trying my hardest not to feel the pain coming from my quills being quilled at.

"It takes more than a couple of punches and a chair to keep me down baby." He spat out a patch of blood onto my face. I opened my mouth in horror, not believing that Scourge just did that. "Just returning the favour toots."

He turned his attention to Shadow who was trying to get up. "Hey Shadow! Why don't we play a little game!?" He screeched out.

Shadow looked up with a winced expression. He coughed up some blood, allowing a trail of it going down his chin. "K-keep your hands off her..!" I've never seen Shadow look so defeated. Even with a knife stabbed in his back, he's still trying to get up.

Scourge pushed and pulled my bangs, making me sway in the motion. "You wanna see your girlfriend make it out of here alive?" Scourge slurred out. Me and Shadow widen our eyes in unison. Scourge then pulled out another knife and held it against my neck. "Well Shadow, buddy?"

Shadow brought him self up by using the wall as support. He then painfully pulled out the knife in his back and held it, with blood dripping down from the blade. "Scourge I'll fucking kill you..." He growled through gritted teeth.

Scourge laughed. "I'm not asking much Shadow! All you gotta do is... BEG for you girl."

I widen my eyes even further. This scene...!

Scourge crackled again. "Does this bring back memories Shadow?"

Shadow winced and turned to look at me. He blinked a couple of times before kneeling on one knee.

"Shadow..." I piped out. No Shadow, you don't need to lose your pride over me... Stop...

He turned to hide his face. "Please... Hand me back...Amy..." He said through gritted teeth.

"Wwwhaat? Sorry I couldn't hear you over all that pride you got there!" He swung me again and I let out a yelp. "Why don't you speak up!?"

Shadow shot his head up and watched my terrified face. He clenched his teeth and stared back at Scourge. "Give... Give me Amy back." He spatted out louder.

Scourge started to play with the Swiss Army knife in his hand and closed his eyes. "Hmmm, still didn't hear ya." He crackled.

I saw fire in Shadow eyes as he tighten his grip around the bloody knife. He stood up and reeled his arm back. "I said..." He mumbled in a low voice. "Give me back my girlfriend!" Shadow flung the knife at Scourge's shoulder.

Scourge yelled out in pain and held onto the wounded area. Shadow ran up to Scourge and punched him in the face. He then kicked Scourge's right side so hard, that he flew across the room and smacked his skull against the wall.

Shadow grabbed onto my shoulders, fixating his eyes onto me. "Do not freak out." He said in a calm voice.

"W-what?" I arched an eyebrow.

I suddenly felt a whirl of energy sweep around our bodies and the air shifting. My quills became weightless as Shadow wrapped an arm around my waist. I leaned into his chest and pinned my head against it. As Shadow tighten his grip on me, the energy swirled faster.

"Chaos Control!"

Within a blink of an eye, we left the scene.

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