His Story 6 Chapter 52

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6 years later

Over the course of the years, me and Maria drew even closer and closer, to the point where I was always happy around her, despite me putting up a firm appearance. It was something about her presence that just got my heart thumping and they way her voice sound was just so soothing. I never wanted this paradise to end, and she didn't either. We had a strong connection between us that I never knew I was capable of having. As for the bet--or task I should say, I kept my word. Every single mission I went on was either a rescue mission or protecting someone else. At first, I hated it. It always took so long to finish, and some times the people were just so obnoxious. But whenever the situation became unbearable and I was on the verge of going berserk, I thought about Maria. I thought about her smile, her hair, her beautiful eyes--just everything. She was the thing that was keeping me going through all those missions... She was the reason why I wanted to protect others... She is the thing I wanted to protect.

6 years has past and I was classified as 19 years old. I never knew when my real birthday really was, but Maria thought it would be nice if my new birthday was on the day I arrived to H.I.H. I saw nothing wrong with the idea, so I rolled with it just to make her happy and to be the same age as her. I did anything Maria told me to do actually. She wanted me to read a book to her? Done. Wants to go to the ice rink in the H.I.H recreation area? Easy. Have a sleep over in her room? A bit awkward but manageable. What can I say? Maria was my everything.


I just arrived back from a mission where I had to collect new equipment. Maria and I were back up on the rooftops looking at the sun setting in the horizon. I was talking about how the mission went with her when I realized she was being awfully quiet for once.

"Maria?" I said in a concern voice.

Maria snapped her head in my direction and blinked a couple of times. "Huh? Oh sorry... What were you saying?"

I narrows my eyebrows and frowned. "Maria, what's wrong?" I said in a soothing voice.

Maria pulled her knees even closer to her chest and dug her face in them. "Shadow... There's a secret I've been keeping from you for a very long time..." She said in a muffled voice.

I quickly straighten my posture and placed a hand on her back. "That's alright... Do you wish to tell me now?"

She continued to stay in that position, refusing to look at me. "Won't you be mad though? This secret is... Is pretty scary in a way..."

I lessen my expression and scooted closer to Maria. "I don't care how horrible this secret is, as long as I get to see your smile again, I'm fine."

She slowly rose her head from her knees and stared at my face. Her cheeks were red and her eyes were still sad. She adverted her eyes and sighed. "The H.I.H was created because... Because of me..."

I widen my eyes and opened my mouth to speak, but she continued on.

"I have this disease that's incredibly rare and that has no cure... The doctors told me that I don't have very long to live, maybe the age of 20 is where I'll die..."

"What!? Maria why didn't-"

She interjects. "No one was willing to help me. My parents soon abandoned me on the streets leaving me to rot. However... A nice lady came by and picked me up named Victoria. She took me in as her own and we became very close. When I told her about my condition, I was expecting to be thrown away again, but she didn't. She said to me, that she will find a way to save me life. In fact, she said she wanted to save everyone from this cruel world. So, she started researching about virus, medicine, all that science stuff. What started from a woman with the determination to save one single life turned into a massive organization to save thousands of lives."

So Victoria is a good person... That's good...

"But... You can't do anything without the population judging you... Soon, people from the organization started to be killed and leak information on our whereabouts. So many people thought we were bad, that the government started sending out the military to slaughter us all when they were the first people to accept it! They betrayed us... So, we gathered up any remaining survivors and moved to a new location and renamed ourselves to Hope In Humanity."

"Because you want to believe that there is still some good in the world..." I commented.

Maria nods. "We aren't just trying to create a new government... We still are trying to find the cure for me... But our search was long over when you entered our world."

I cocked an eyebrow. Me?

"The only way for me to be saved is to take someone else's life... To become immortal..." She says in a shaky voice. "I don't know any of the science behind this, but apparently you're the most compatible for me! Something to do with how our life forms are similar or--or our energy--I don't know!!" She clenches her head with both her hands. "But I don't want you to die!" Tears were streaming down her face. "Y-you're my only friend Shadow..."

It was hard for me to absorb all this information at once. I was completely speechless and the only thing I could do for Maria was rub her back in comfort. Maria... I hated it when I saw Maria sad, it just reminds me of pain. I slowly brought her head close to my chest and wrapped both my arms around her fragile body.

"Maria..." I said in a quiet voice. "I'll do anything for you..."

Maria widen her eyes and tried to look up at me. "N-no Shadow! I don't want you to-"

"And do you think I have the capability to live without you either!?" I shot back quickly. "Maria... Even when I'm gone, I'll still be here with you..." I tighten my hold on her and rested my head on top of hers. "Please Maria... Let this happen... Let me protect the thing I love..."

Maria gasped and sat there stunned. She then hugged me back tightly and began to loudly sob. "I-I'm going to miss you, dummy..." She said through her crying voice.

I patted down her blonde hair and cooed shush. I know Maria... And I'm going to miss you even more...

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