His Story 5 Chapter 51

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A year has past and I already been on a couple of assassination mission. We had to go in groups no matter what, but I always got the killing blow which made me feel good. Soon I was well known by the whole H.I.H organization whatever, and was the talk of the hour. I liked it when people talked about me. It made me feel noticed and admired even if some where talking shit. Those who did say rude things about me didn't last long after I sent a knife flying to their nose as a warning shot. Not only that, but I've grown accustomed to this working life style. It was practically the same thing I was doing previous, but with more cash and... And Maria by my side. I didn't know what was the deal with Maria, but she would always somehow try to find me and talk to me about my missions. I knew she was an innocent girl so I always tried to give her vague descriptions, but she always insisted me to tell the whole thing, every single detail which made me feel uncomfortable. I just found it weird for a girl like her to want me to describe how I kill people to her. Maybe that's her fetish... Humans are weird anyways.

Today after I finished a mission where I was suppose to kill off three terrorist leaders, I was waiting outside the cafeteria doors for Maria. I glanced over at the clock and realized she was late, which was odd since she was always here before me. I pulled out a cellphone they handed out to every single H.I.H member and dialled up for Maria. She picked up after the first ring.

"Shadow! Perfect timing!" She practically squealed.

"Where are you? I'm at the cafeteria." I replied coldly. When did I get attach to Maria? She's nothing special to me really... Just a friend...

"Oh I'm so sorry Shadow, I forgot to tell you to meet me at the roof top and have picnic with me." She instantly hung up, which surprised me.

I sighed in exasperation and started making my way to an elevator. The things I do for this girl...


I arrived at the garden rooftop and stared up at the sky. It was night time and the stars were glimmering in the dark sky. The moon was full and shining down upon the roof.

"Shadow over here!"

I faced forward to see Maria waving me over, sitting on a checkered blanket with a woven basket full of food beside her. I quickly jogged over to her and sat down, perching one leg up.

"Why are we meeting here today?" I asked in a calm tone.

"Because look up at the sky Shadow. Isn't it beautiful?" She sighed in content and brought her knees close to her chest. "Oh, I brought you some food cause I know you don't really eat much when you're on mission." She handed me a sandwich, which I assume she made herself.

"Thank you, and yes, the sky is brilliant tonight." I looked up at the sky with her and shyly smiled.

"Shadow why do you go on such bad missions?" She questioned out of the blue.

I arched an eyebrow at her. "Did you forget where you are? Look all around you Maria. Everything we do is bad."

She lies down on the blanket and continues to star up into the sky. "You have a point there. But H.I.H aren't being bad on purpose... They just believe in things differently and they can't get their point across without hurting others..."

I watch as her expression saddens a bit. I still didn't know the goal for H.I.H or even why it was created. From everything I know though, we are trying to make a world a better place by using any means necessary.

"Besides Maria, I'm made to kill, not to save." I said quietly.

"You're wrong Shadow." She protested. "You can protect people. We have jobs like that in Hope In Humanity. Why don't you give one of them a whirl?"

I shook my head and scoffed. "You're kidding me right? Maria I can't save anyone or protect them. If I could, I would've done that a long time ago..." I felt my heart strings being tugged by my emotions. I lifted a hand over my chest and clutched the area.

"You're a liar. You saved me remember? The day where that arrow came flying at me?" She spread out her arms and flopped them back down. "You saved one life. Hmm... You like bets right?"

"Sure I guess." I scratched my temple a bit, confused at the question.

"Then let's make one! For the next few missions you do, you can't kill people. You can only save or find another way to resolve the issue." She smiled.

I deadpanned and stared down at her. "That sounds more like a task or a dare than a bet Maria..."

"Will you do it?" She persisted. "Please for me Shadow? The world can use less bloodshed to begin with."

She was trying to convert my killing instincts. I admired at my hands as flashbacks of all those people I slaughtered appeared in my face. I then balled up my fingers and brought my lip into a fine line. Can I really be a saviour than a killer? I looked over at Maria who closed her eyes. Her chest was rising and falling at a steady pace, and the moonlight made her face look beautiful. I crawled over to her head and hung my face upside down over her's. Our faces were barely touching as our eyes were align.

"F-fine... But I better get something out of this when I'm allowed to leave this organization." I spoke in a deep voice.

She opened her ocean blue eyes and stared into my fiery red one. She started to blush, which causing a hue of pink to crawl on my cheeks as well.

"Okay." She smiled. "I promise that I'll give you a reward after all this." She laughed and brought a hand to my cheek.

I widen my eyes and felt something inside my chest yearning. I wanted to pull my face away from her's but my body refused to obey my orders. Instead, my head started leaning closer to her face and my eyelids started to droop. I didn't know it was possible for me to have this sort of feeling tucked around inside of me. I didn't want to be like other people and pretend I didn't know what I was feeling, no...I accepted this. I closed my eyes and pulled my lips together and ready myself for impact. Maria...I... I... Suddenly, I felt my forehead being pressed against something warm. I flung my eyes open and rapidly blinked when I failed to find Maria's face. I quickly shot up and stared down while touching my forehead. Maria's playful eyes stared up into mine and then she began to giggle.

"You should see the look on your face Shadow! Who knew touching foreheads would make you so flustered looking?" She beamed up at me as she laid a hand on her own forehead.

I instantly stared to blush harder and quickly stood up and walked away. She avoided my kiss!? Am I moving to fast? Does she even like me? WAIT... WHAT AM I SAYING!? I'M SHADOW THE HEDGEHOG, I SHOULDN'T BE FEELING THIS!

"Shadow where you going?" Maria cried out.

"W-washroom!" I cried back. I continued to walk to the exist with my hand covering my mouth. Maria you dingus...

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