His Story 9 Final Chapter 55

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"Hey, you okay?" I barely could speak up.

Maria opened her eyes and beamed up at me. "Shadow...! You got out..." She giggles weakly.

"Yeah... Yeah... Hey, I have an idea, lets ditched this place and go somewhere beautiful." I coughed up some blood while sadly smiling.

She nods her head and closes her eyes again. I bring her head closer to my chest and intertwine my fingers in the hand she just recently used. With my other hand, I quickly put it under Maria's legs and stood up slowly. I almost fell over because of the weight, but I managed to catch myself.

"Chaos Control..." I said through a fake smile.


I teleported us back on Mobius. It took a lot of effort but I was able to manage it. I remembered going to a cliff that had a fantastic view of the wide ocean and with a single tree perched on top. The place was absolutely beautiful when I stumbled upon it. I felt a bit guilty when I found such a nice place after raiding a village for its food that was miles and miles away. Hell, this place was no where near civilization. That's what made it perfect for me and Maria. As soon as my feet touched the ground, I gently placed Maria on the grassy floor, making sure that I wouldn't wake her up from her "slumber". I then laid down beside her, still holding her hand with mine.

"Looks like I just came in time for the sunset." I stated in a voice that was above whispering.

Maria didn't reply.

"I wish you came and lived on Mobius. Our paths could've crossed sooner or later, right?" I tighten my grip around her hand.


"... You know, it's rude for a person to not respond back." I forced a laugh and felt my smile faltering.


I turned my smile into a hard frown. With my other hand, I covered my eyes, feeling the wet tears streaming slowly out of the corner of them. "Do you remember the time on the rooftop where we made that stupid promise?"


"Actually, you called it a bet." I gasped for air and began to talk in a quivering voice. "It wasn't a fair bet to begin with. It's alright though. I'm happy you made that bet with me."


"It was because of you that I'm able to spend this day with you... It was because of you that I was able to spend the 6 happiest years of my life with you.." The tears were pouring out like crazy, but I kept my voice steady.


"I understand why your group is called Hope In Humanity now. Your planet sure needs a lot of it after today, am I right?" I refused to look over to Maria.


"After we say our prober goodbyes and I patch up, I'll go back to working for the H.I.H, okay? Let's see how many more people I can save....I'll do my best to keep giving humanity some hope."


I bitterly laughed. "Y-you w-w-wanna make a bet Maria?"


"It's pretty simple..." I turned over to my side and stared at Maria's peaceful, beautiful face. I took my hand and brushed away a stray hair from her closed eyes.


"A-all..." I gulped and tried to speak again. "A-all you gotta do is wake up Maria..."


"D-damn... You're really good at this game... I mean bet, hah." I pushed myself forwards and up until I my face was lined up with her forehead.


"Maria..." I sobbed. I pulled her forehead forward and placed a soft weak kiss on it. "Goodbye..."

It was over. It was over the minute Maria said hello to me on the very first day. We could never be together even if some miracle made us both alive. She was a human, and I was a Mobian. I would have to continue on living life while watching her get with other guys in silence.... At least she would be alive... I continued to cry, ignoring the throbbing pain that was coming from my back and through my insides. I cried into Maria's hair and held her hand like it was my job. I didn't care that my black fur was being tainted with my own blood oozing from my back because I took all the bullets from those fucking soldiers, I didn't care that I sounded like a huge baby. I didn't care that the H.I.H were fighting for their lives back on Earth or the fact that Victoria won't be seeing her Maria anytime soon. I only cared for one thing and I lost it. No matter how hard I tried to protect the one thing I loved, I lost it at the very last minute. All I wanted in life was to be happy and end up being together with my best friend, but the universe wouldn't allow such trivial matters. The universe--no, humanity took away my everything from me. But I can't go on a murderous rampage anymore because Maria is watching over me, right? I need to honour her wishes and make Earth the place Maria can proudly call home. Like I said before, I'll do anything for Maria. She wants me to save a galaxy? I'll do it with my eyes close. Because I love her. She wants me to make H.I.H into the new government? I'll get it done within a year. Because I love her. She wants me to make a difference wherever I go? I'll butt into everyone's personal business to resolve their issue. Because I love her. She wants to me happy? I'll find someone else that can make me feel the same way she did for me. Because Maria was my everything.

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