News Gets Around Fast Chapter 21

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The ball was being passed between the two hedgehogs at incredible speed, that my eyes couldn't keep up. I could hear their shoes squeak from the laminated gym floor and the crowd cheering on both of them.

"Let's go Sonic! Show Shadow's who's top dog!"
"Kyaa Shadow~ win the game!"
"Let's go babe, you can do it!"

I don't know what's wrong with my ears, but out of all the screaming and shouting, of course I had to hear the last sentence I ever wanted to hear. I slowly turned my head in the direction of the sentence who dared called Sonic their 'babe'. My eyes widen even further when I realized who was sitting beside me. It was Sally herself standing up and cheering on. My eyes trailed up and down her body, she was wearing blue loose gym shorts and a white t-shirt that flattered her body. I guess I was staring too long, because she calmly sat down and stared back into my green eyes.

"Hey, I don't think we've met before, the names Sally. Sally Acorn to be exact." She extended out her hand and gave me a big smile.

I didn't take her hand at first. I simply glanced between her eyes and her hand until I had the nerves to touch her. Her grip was firm but her skin was soft. I suddenly felt conscious about my own hand, worrying if it was sweaty or even if it felt dry.

"Say, I saw you coming in here with Shadow. You guys pals?" Sally continued to use that over happy tone.

I wanted to smash her pretty face into the bleachers with my hammer. How dare she take my Sonic away from me. How DARE she talk to me like we're good old friends. I bit my lip back and faked a smile. "Yeah, we're actually more than friends."

She widen her eyes and opened her mouth to form a perfect 'O' shape. "No way! You're dating Shadow the hedgehog!?" She practically yelled out the statement.

Suddenly, the people around us stopped cheering and started to crowd around me.

"Wait you're dating Shadow!?"
"What!? Come on, a cute girl like you shouldn't be dating a jerk like him."
"Excuse me!? You can't take our Shadow away from us!"

I suddenly felt claustrophobic and I wanted out, but I was trapped directly in the middle. I then heard murmurs and mumbles from everyone on the bleacher talking about me dating Shadow. I can't even see the game happening, like people get out of the way. Out of no where, a whistle was blown. Everyone stopped their mumbles and stared at the court. Shadow was standing with his arms crossed and looking straight at Sonic, who was focusing his gaze on me. Wait, me?? There was a ball rolling behind Sonic, then bumping into his heels. Even when it touched him, Sonic didn't bother to break the gaze with me.

"Step aside." Shadow's voice echoed through the gymnasium. He casually strolled over to me, as the crowd broke apart to make way. He grabbed my hand, pulling me off my seat.

"I would much appreciate it if you people stop harassing her. Let's go." Shadow said in a firm tone.

We kept holding hands all the way to the gym's doors until we were finally out of sight. I could hear the people screaming out that me and Shadow were together. I felt my heart pump from excitement, and it felt pretty good.

I turned my head to face Shadow who was dragging me along. "Shadow did you see the look on Sonic's face? It was hilarious!"

He didn't respond. My happy face quickly changed into frown. "Hey, is everything alright?"

He suddenly stop, making me bump into his back. He quickly turned around with what looked like an upset expression. "Did you really have to tell everyone in less than 20 minutes since we established the deal?"

I furrowed my eyebrows and frowned. "Huh? I didn't even yell it out, it was Sally who did it! Why are you upset anyways? People were gonna suspect us that we were dating anyways!" I blushed at the last bit of my sentence.

Shadow face palmed and shook his head. "Some would yes, but now the whole school is going to know about this. The plan was to get Sonic to think we are dating, not make it the news of the school. As long as we only told a few people that really mattered, then everything would've been less chaotic from here on out."

I raised my voice with a hint of anger. "What are you even saying!? We have to make them think that we are dating--"

"You idiot, all we needed to do was tell Sonic and the others that we were a thing. We then tell them to keep it a secret so rumours don't go speeding around like wildfire. But you're small brain didn't think about what will happen after our contract is brought to a close, did it now? Once we announce our relationship coming to a close, everyone will be bothering me and you about the details and the level of annoyance will sky rocket through the charts." Shadow spoke through gritted teeth and had two tight balls of fists to his sides.

I didn't know what to say. I thought it was really okay for me to say it to people willy nilly, but apparently not. I lowered my head and refused to speak.

"You're really are just a nuisance. No wonder Sonic never loved you." Shadow scoffed and went back to folding his arms.

He did not just say that to me. Shadow went too far.

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