Realization Chapter 22

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Just too far. I sprung my head back up and felt tears welling up inside my eyes. I wanted to scream at Shadow, but nothing came to mind. I just stood there, partially revealing my clenched teeth and pulling my lips into a big frown. My eyes locked onto Shadow's just waiting for an apology to come flying out of his mouth, but it never came.

"Hmph. I'll be leaving." He turned at a corner and never bothered to look back.

I fell to my knees and clutched my chest where my heart was. Stupid Shadow, why does he have to be so straight forward!? I wanted to cry so badly, but I didn't want anyone to see me. I've decided that it was probably a better idea for me to get up. I stood back up and slowly made my way to a school's exit. I don't have the motivation to go to class. I'll try again tomorrow.


When I finally reached my house, I took maybe an hour or so, napping under my blankets. I was actually having a pleasant dream before I was rudely interrupted by what sounded like really loud knocking. I frantically uncovered myself and lazily looked around. I rubbed my sleepy eyes with the back of my palm and lifted myself out of bed. There it was again, that obnoxiously loud knocking that failed to stop.

"Mmmm, I'm coming, I'm coming." I yawned.

I reached for my doorknob and unlocked the lock. I slowly swung the door open and continued to yawn. My eyes finally were able to focus on the two blurry figures. In front of me, was not only Shadow, but Knuckles as well. I felt my quills stand up, remembering how I looked like. I was about to slam the door close , but Knuckles just walked in.

"Sup Amy, love the new look." He smiled at me as Shadow walked in right behind him.

I caught a glimpse of myself in my mirror near the entrance and almost barfed at my appearance. I had a major cow lick on the side of my head, my eyes were crusty looking and my cheeks were red as a tomato from me sleeping under my blankets. I think I even see some dried up drool mark! . I started to frantically panic, and ran straight into my bathroom. "Give me a second!" I squeaked.

When I finally washed my face and tried to comb my quills the best I could, I bursted out the washroom and patted my shirt down. When I looked back up, I didn't see Knuckles anywhere, just Shadow sitting on the couch admiring the centre piece on the coffee table.

"Where's...Knuckles?" I cautiously asked.

"He left. This wasn't any of his business anyways." He said standing up and walking over to me.

I involuntary took a step back and felt my back go up against a wall. I felt like an helpless animal being cornered by the hunter, and that hunter was Shadow. He took a step closer and was about to reach out to me, but retracted his arm back to himself quickly. He just took his hand and ran it through his quills and sighed.

"I don't usually do this but..." He towered his body over mine and looked down. He put his arms up against both side of the walls, practically caging me!

"I'm..." He came closer. Is he doing what I think he's doing?????

"I'm..." His face was really close to me, inches away. All I had to do, was move forward and our lips would touch. I didn't know what I was feeling inside my heart. It was just loud throbbing throughout the whole time and my mind was just thinking about Shadow's lips. Am... Am I falling for Shadow!? No.. T-that can't be!! I hate Shadow, he's nothing compared to Sonic. Hell, he's the exact opposite of Sonic. Yeah that's right... I still like Sonic, I can't fall for this idiot yet, I barely know him... My faced physically winced and then moved on its own, slowly inching closer to Shadow's face. But a part of me wants to fall for him. I wanna get to know him more, I wanna see his smile, hear his laughter, get to see sides that no one else saw and... And... I closed my eyes, waiting for Shadow to come in contact with me. I want him to like me back.


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