His Story 2 Chapter 48

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I shot six bullet out of my gun until it was deem unless. I landed on the ground and death stared at one of the other members of this ambush. I activated my hover shoes and sprinted across the room, making a perfect deep cut into my victims throat. Finally the idiots decided to start shooting at me, but every single rapid fire shot just missed. One by one, they fell to the ground with gushing blood coming out of their wounds. Clearly their uniforms aren't protective enough against me and my knife. The last man freaked out and was trying to escape but I kicked him right out of the broken window, making him fall to his death.

"Whoops." I said out loud.

The building shook again, and I could feel it tipping downwards. I tilted my head to Scourge who just stood there and watch me murder 8 man within 5 minutes. I fling my knife, throwing the blood onto the floor and pointed at Scourge. I then mouth the words "you're next" with a huge grin on my face. Scourge instantly started running out of the collapsing building and I chased after him. He ran down the hallway, down the stairs and frantically started dodging the falling beams of steel. Silly Scourge, there's a reason why I'm better than you. I quickly vanished in within the smoke and chose a different route to cut off Scourge. He's heading for the main exit, too bad he'll won't make it in time. I jumped over falling beams and slammed down on top of the elevator to get it moving. Before it hit the floor, I dug my knife deep within the wall so I could be hanging off of it as I watch the explosion happen below me. I pried opened the elevator door to the first floor just enough for me to see inside. I wickedly grin when I saw Scourge slowing down his speed from the lack of oxygen he was getting. He looked around to see if I was anywhere and started to wipe off sweat from his forehead while kneeling forward. Looks like he gave me a perfect opportunity to back stab him.

"Chaos control." I quietly said to myself.

In an instant, I was behind Scourge with my knife ready to fully swing down onto his back... But I just couldn't for some reason. It was like something was paralyzing me. I dropped my blade and suddenly fell to my knees. What the hell!? I saw Scourge turn around abruptly with a crude smirk on his face.

"Looks like you fell for another one of my traps De! Man, you must be losing your touch!" He laughed out like a hyena and it disgusted me.

He stood up and kicked me right in the cheek, sending me sprawling over the floor. This asshole is gonna get it now. He started to approach me closer, just increasing my chance for this last shot. However, my vision was getting cloudy and I didn't know why. N-no... If I'm not gonna make it out alive, then you're coming with me.

"Chaos Spear!"

Two huge bolts of energy and lighting came spiralling at Scourge's chest. But due to my lack of vision, I couldn't land a direct hit. I was only able to draw blood, leaving two huge claw like gauges on his chest. Scourge screamed out in pain and straggled backwards, trying to mend the pain. I watch as fire started to consume us both while my eyelids started to droop. It looks like... My legacy ends here... I let my subconscious slowly fade away as I entered pitch blackness.


I woke up in cold sweats. I groaned out in agony and opened up my eyes to really bright lights. Am I in heaven? No... Those are ceiling lights... I tried to turn my body, but something was fixating me. I scanned down my body to see me sitting in a chair with both my ankles and wrist cuffed to it of some sort. There was a hard throbbing in my head and I could barely make out the scenery. I blinked a couple of, finally able to focus my vision. I looked around weakly and saw that I was in some sort of integration room. I've been... Captured? I started to jerk around trying to fee myself out of the restraints and started to tense my muscles. As I was doing this, someone opened the door to the room and I quickly looked up. Two people in uniforms came in. One of them was a black jaguar with an eyepatch over his left eye, and the other was... Was a human... I widen my eyes, for the first time in my life, I manage to encounter a human before I die. She was a female with brown hair with huge round glasses. Already I could tell she was nervous from the way she stood in the back corner while quietly tapping her foot.

"It seems that you are awake. That tranquilizer sure did the trick." The black jaguar said, breaking my chain of thoughts.

I snapped my head to the jaguar and cocked an eyebrow at him. "No shit." I chortled. Tranquilizer? I got fucking hit by a tranquilizer. Should've just killed Scourge sooner.

The jaguar growled and then slammed his fist down on the metal table, making the lady in the back jump. "Don't get fresh with me hedgehog."

I leaned back in my chair and gave him a smug look. "Actually, I don't think I'm very fresh after all the blood stains I got on my fur. Not to mention the black ashes smeared on my face."

The jaguar took a step back then dug his claws into my hands, putting his face directly in front of mine. I didn't even flinch when the pain swept through both my arms.

"What the hell is wrong with you? You've been on our wanted list for 4 years from killing innocent lives, to stealing the most confidential documents in all of Mobius! I don't know about you, but you're just a 14 year old brat! You should be licking lollies inside a candy store, not going on a murderous rampage. Where are your parents?"

I simply shrugged and spat on his good eye. He recoiled and started trying to get the spit off his eye. It was true though. I didn't know where my parents was. I didn't even know my real name.

"Marcel, he's the one! We can cut the act now." The brown haired human exclaimed.

The jaguar turned his face to the human. "Victoria you can't be serious-"

"I'm dead serious! He's our key!" The human interjected. "Please, trust me on this. Get him ready to be ship off to Earth. I'll go tell the other scientists." She sprinted out the room while holding up a phone.

The jaguar named Marcel gazed up and down my body. "You damn better be the subject that we need. Time is running out for her." He suddenly pinched my neck, grabbing ahold of one of my nerves and instantly made me fall asleep.

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