Chapter 9: Wedding Day

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Anushka was panicking.

"Wait so, the photographer isn't recording any of it?" She had a headache from all the stress.

"I think you two should relax. We need to go now. Also, do you two still sleep in different rooms? I find it kind of weird." Kelly said.

"Um. Not for long." Jungkook grabs Anushka's hand.

They packed their things in the car and started heading off to their wedding destination. Jungkook drove, Anushka sat next to him and Kelly played guitar in the back. She brought her camera with her just like everyone else who'd be at the wedding. She kept trying to get the perfect photos of Jungkook and Anushka. It had been one hour in the car and the sun was starting to set.

"Lets take a short break here." Kelly said, "It's a good time for photos!"

When they got back in the car, Jungkook held Anushka's hand resting on the console. Kelly thought that this would be a great time to get a sweet photo. She got in an awkward position but managed to get a great photo. Hand in hand, sun setting  through the front window above their hands. When Kelly showed the photo Jungkook froze. He didn't realize that he'd grabbed Anushka's hand. But it seemed Anushka didn't care much. No one spoke for the rest of the trip, just the soothing sound of Kelly's guitar the whole way there. Once they got there they all got the key to their rooms and tried to sleep. Jungkook and Anushka both couldn't sleep. Too much trouble, too much lying, too much stress.


"Um so. Everything is being worked out now. Okay, is it windy today I'm worried i don't even know why! our wedding is inside." Anushka broke down in Kelly's arms. "Will it be okay. I'm so scared."

"Calm down. We're all here for you. I will help you, here drink some of this." Kelly handed Anushka a glass.

"It's just water." Anushka drank the whole thing anyways.


"Okay I'm actually excited but scared. Hyung! Do I look okay?" Jungkook took a few steps away from Jin who was comforting him before the wedding.

"Yeah- wait." Jin adjusted Jungkook's hair and suit. "There we go."


"OW!" The makeup artist accidentally poked Anushka's eye.


Anushka's makeup, hair, everything was perfect. She put on her shoes and walked to a mirror.

"Wow. Lucky I have waterproof makeup." Katie said with tears filling her eyes. "I'm so proud. So happy. Awh, my little girl."

Anushka's mum made her tear up. "Thank you. I'm scared. Should I even go through with this?"

"Yes. Anushka, I had regrets two minutes before my wedding started. But when I saw your father standing there, I knew he was something to keep a hold of."


"Go out there. Tell the world this girl is yours." Jin told Jungkook before waling off to go sit down.


"Good luck. You two were meant to be!" Kelly laughed and walked out with Katie.


I walked slowly with my brother looking at all the faces and people I was lying to. I looked at Jungkook. Damn he looks good in a suit. I got up to Jungkook. "Here we go." I whispered hoping no one would hear me. My brother went off to the side and I held Jungkook's hands. He was staring intensely into my eyes. I just stared back, and smiled for show. I couldn't believe that I was doing this. I should've married Bon-Hwa. There's no turning back now. It was time for us to say our vows. Our fake vows. I sighed but then listened carefully to Jungkook's words,

"Ever since the first day we met. I knew there was something special about you. And when I asked you to marry me on that roof, I knew that I chose wisely. I chose a girl who always took care of me, always protected me, always lifted my spirits when I felt down. You were always sweet, always kind. Always the girl I wanted. And I promise you, that I will take care of you. I will protect you. I will always be there like you were for me. I, Jeon Jungkook, swear to love you forever. More than anyone else did. I promise to keep you happy. I promise to stay by your side. I promise to make our marriage bulletproof." He looked over at Namjoon then back at me. "I promise you."

By now I was tearing up, I wasn't ready to say what I've been practicing for days.


"I promise you." As I finished my speech, all the feelings seemed to become real to me. Did I love this girl? Does she love me? It's weird asking those questions at a wedding when you're the one getting married, but this was different. Anushka then started to speak.

"Jungkookie? Do you remember that one time in school when we had a water fight?" She said in a cute voice which made everyone laugh. "Remember how I beat you because I'm amazing!" Everyone laughed again. Anushka stared back into my eyes with a worried look. Tears started rolling down her face as she spoke. "Not as amazing as our love. I swear to you, I will make it last. We were best friends in high school, look where we are now. Standing hand in hand, getting married." She kind of giggled before looking down as more tears came. "Jungkook. For the amount of time I loved you before, I thought you would never love me back. But you were always there for me anyways. I thought we were just friends, and in exactly 5 minutes, we will be husband and wife. For the rest of our lives, I will love you. When times get hard, I will push to help you. I will never let you go and I will try harder to keep us as one. Jeon Jungkook, my one and only. My sweet kookie. My everything. I promise I love you now, and forever will." Her words made me tear up. I couldn't help but think that I loved this girl.


"One minute left." The host said.

Everyone counted down to thirty seconds. And at that exact time, Anushka and Jungkook were told what everyone gets told at their wedding.


"Sorry." Jungkook grabbed me by the waist and kissed me passionately.

I stood there frozen at first. And as seconds went by, my lips were in motion with his. Everyone cheered. I wrapped my hands around Jungkook's neck and smiled in the middle of our kiss. Everyone counted down from 5.


Jungkook pulled away and smirked at me before looking at the crowd and laughing and smiling with them. I was shocked. Did I enjoy that? Did he enjoy that?! Do I like this kid...? I looked at him and he pulled me by his side. Why was him embrace so delightful today? I can't actually love him. Do I though?


Everyone celebrated an hour later at a nearby pub. They spoke their speeches and danced their dances. People took turns singing around the fire that night as Jungkook and Anushka sat in each others arms.

"Hey, Anushka." Jungkook realized that Anushka was asleep on his shoulder. "I really, really do love you." He gave her a soft kiss on her forehead.


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