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I stood on the pier with the salty air breezing through my hair and leaving it in long, brown, tangly waves. My arms were stretched, resting against the wooden planks that acted as a barrier between me and the cold, restless, water below. I turned to the man standing a few feet behind me, Spencer, a friend and employee of my fathers at his publishing company. He was 20 years short of my dad who called him 'kid' and nearly double my age. He had only worked for my dad for about 6 months but he had taken Spencer under his wing like his own son. My dad was fascinated with him.

He was around a lot and I often met them out for dinner when my dad wanted to talk business. I'd sit between the two at the bar while they chatted and I sipped on strawberry lemonade. I hadn't ever thought of him as attractive simply because I never thought of him at all really. But on occasion I'd notice he'd glance at me often with his hand in his palm as I twirled the straw in my drink or when I rested my elbows on the bar and laid my head against it. Most of the time when I felt his innocent eyes on me I'd play up the sensuality of it. But not because of any crush, but just because I liked the attention as usual.

I had never thought about him but for whatever reason, I found myself staring at the way the sun reflected in his hazel eyes and bounced off his caramel colored hair. He was looking passed me into the sunset over the ocean. My dad had left us to take a phone call and Spencer stood there with his hands patiently in his pockets.

       My sudden attraction to him urged me to have a little fun, not thinking much of it. It was summer, and I was a single 18 year old with that youthful, mischievous aura that men of any age couldn't seem to resist. I had flirted with others to get my way in the past, but Spencer was a little different. He wasnt so easy. He was respectful, collected, and smart- like extremely smart- a nerd, but the sweet and irresistibly hot kind.

I leaned back and forth while still looking forward. "Hey Spence? "

His attention turned towards me.

"Can I have your opinion on something? " I ran my fingers through my hair.

"Yeah of course." He said softly.

"So theres this guy I went to school with that I'm into and I wanna know how I should let him know that Im interested? " I tilted my head giving him a smile. I leaned against the railing facing him.

He looked down and giggled. "Oh I- uh dont know, you probably shouldnt ask me dating advice. Ive been single for 3 years. "

I smirked. "Oh come on, what do guys like? What gets their attention?" I leaned closer and looked up at him, bating my eyes.

He immediately got nervous. "um "

My dad interrupted, shouting from down the pier. "Ella & Spence, Table's ready "

We glanced at each other and followed behind my dad to the fancy restaurant that sat at the end of the pier. Throughout dinner I felt him glancing at me more frequently that usual with a slightly confused look on his face. I could tell he was startled by my sudden flirtation.

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