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       "What do you think they'll say about us?" I leaned my head on his shoulder as he drove and wrapped my arms around his.

  The orange-pink painted sky kissed the sun goodnight right in front of our eyes as we drove.

    "Who?" He hummed into my shoulder.

    "Everyone." I tilted my head back and closed my eyes for a second.

     "Why..." He said quietly before realizing the factor we had seemingly long forgotten.


    "Oh..right." The muscles in his arms tensed.

    "Honestly.." He started.   "I don't care." He glanced at me with a cheeky smile.

I wanted to smile back but I didn't. I was getting scared again. He was willing to risk everything for me and I couldn't give him the same. I was wild and temperamental and I honestly couldn't promise him that I would stay.

Despite the thoughts in my head, I held his hand faithfully and closed my eyes for the rest of the drive.

We arrived at our destination; the beach.
The sun had set now and the breezy air was slowing dropping in temperature. We walked hand in hand until the sand below our feet sunk with soaked density.

It was by the beach that this whole ordeal had begun and it was here once again it would end.

I dropped his hand.


   That was all I wanted for years. All I asked for. And I finally had it. I knew I was safe with Spencer and yet it wasn't enough.

He turned to me in question as I walked further into the water until my ankles were submerged in ice cold ocean. I closed my eyes as took a deep breath, leaning my head back. I looked at the water below me, uncontrolled and flowing without restrictions. The gentle reminder eased my mind and I knew what I had to do.

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