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4 years later.


4 years since I had seen her. She promised me one day she'd come back and for some reason in the moment, I believed her. But reality was reality and she never did. I carried on with my life, found a new job and kept busy. But everyday, I secretly hoped she'd be there at the door, barefoot and sulking and saunter in like nothing had ever changed. I still wrote about her. Often actually. But the delicate, dreamy love poems were now messy and stained with heartbreak.

I stumbled in to my favorite cafe, laptop in hand, and bought a latte to bring back to my usual table. It was in the corner, tucked away with a perfect view of the whole shop. It was busy, but quiet. The doorbell rang as someone pushed through.

        A girl with short pink hair lined up to order. I glanced up at her from my computer and back to my screen. She tucked away a piece of hair behind her ear and brushed the bangs out of her face. Her nails were decorated with cracked black polish. She was awfully reminiscent of someone else.

I kept an eye on her. It couldn't be her, I thought. Out of curiosity, I went over to the kiosk with the sugar, cream and straws. She looked down at a phone screen as she waited for her drink. I couldn't get a good look without staring creepily. I ripped open a sugar packet and swirled it into my coffee.


I froze. The breath hitched in my throat.

"Iced Vanilla latte for Ella."

I spun around, spilling a bit of my hot coffee on my hand.

She collected her drink.

"Ella?" I said, my mouth hung open.

The girl I loved so dearly looked up at me.

She was 22 now, probably had a job, and that sweet little face of hers was now a little older. She wasn't cute anymore. She was absolutely gorgeous.

"Oh my god." She said under her breath. I waited for her mouth to form a smile.

"Spence." She said, her eyes twinkled and my heart melted at the familiar nickname.

"Your hair." Was all I could manage.

She smiled and twirled a strand of it between her fingers, admiring the color.

After a few seconds she muttered. "It reminds me of you."

I could've screamed.

"That's- kind of why I did it." She said and giggled out of slight embarrassment.

"I... love it." I blushed.

"Thanks." She bit her lip and we just stared at each other for a while, both in awe of seeing each other.

"Sorry- can I.. hug you?" She blurted.

"Yes! -yeah." I said childishly. I opened my arms and she hugged me tightly, with her head leaned down on my shoulder.

She pulled back with watery eyes. "Wow I.. really missed you."

"You too. So much." I said, I could look at her all day.

"I just- I wanted to say sorry for.. everything. Who I was at 18- I can't even tell you how much I've changed." She fiddled with the cup in her hands.

I waved a hand in dismissal. "Please, don't be. You were.....are perfect." I immediately felt awkward for what I had said.

She smiled shyly. "Spence." She said and signed with her eyes closed for a second like she was meditating on my name.

"Hey-" she reached in her purse and pulled out a marker.

"I live in the city. You should... come and visit sometime. If you can." She tilted the paper cup in my hands and scribbled a phone number.

"Yes I'd love to." I said contently.

She hugged me one last time with her hands thrown around my neck before she sipped on her coffee and pushed her way out through the door.

I watched her with dreamy eyes and twirled the cup to examine the writing. I smiled at the numbers. I couldn't wait to see her again.

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