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(Letter from Remus to James)


I know that it is only the start of term, and I'm not sure if Harry has told you this - or even if he will - but something happened on the train last night. It stopped not to far a way from the castle - to allow a dementor on board. When I boarded the train, my compartment was empty and I fell asleep, but when I awoke from the cold from the dementor, Harry, Ron, and Hermione were there with me. Because of the dementor, Harry passed out. When he awoke, he said that he heard screaming...a woman screaming. And because dementors force us to relive our worst experiences, I think he heard Lily the night you three were attacked by Voldemort. I gave Harry some chocolate, and he seemed to do better. I sent an owl ahead to the school and McGonagall had Madam Pomfrey check him over, so he's fine. I thought you and Lily would want to know, but tell Lily not to worry...I don't think Harry will need to encounter the dementors further.
- Remus

(Letter from Harry to James and Lilly)

Dear Mum and Dad,

Last Saturday was our first Quidditch match against Slytherin, only they chickened out because Malfoy, their seeker, was attacked by Hagrid's hippogriff, Buckbeak. But everyone knows that they didn't play because there was a huge storm on the day of the match.

So we ended up playing Hufflepuff instead. The storm was so bad, I could barely see the end of my broom, let alone the snitch. But something happened during the game...the dementors came out to the pitch. Before, when there was a dementor on the train, I heard a woman screaming...Remus thought I heard Mum the night that we were attacked.

This time, I could actually hear Mum and Voldemort talking. Well, they weren't exactly talking - arguing more like. I passed out and fell off my broom. Fred Weasley thinks I must have fallen fifty feet.

But here's the worst part - after I fell, the wind from the storm blew my broomstick into the Whomping Willow and all that's left is a pile of twigs....So, if I could get a new broom, that would be great - even if that's all I get for Christmas. Thanks a lot.

- Harry
P.S. I know Remus is "ill" quite a bit, but I think I'm going to ask him if he could help me fight off the dementors. After all, he did make the one on the train leave.

(Letter from James to Harry)

Dear Harry,

You're probably wondering why we're sending the broom at night instead of with the regular post...I thought your broom could be a surprise for the next match, which, I believe, is against Ravenclaw. This broom will leave all of theirs in the dust! It's a, I'm not kidding, it's an actual Firebolt. Your Mum wasn't too please when I suggested it, but she just doesn't understand Quidditch like we do. Sirius and I had to work on her for a few days, but she finally broke down.So get outside and try it out!

- Dad

(Letter from Harry to James and Lilly)

Dear Mum and Dad,

Thank you, thank you, thank you, thank you, thank you, thank you, thank you, thank you, thank you, thank you, thank you, thank you, thank you, thank you, thank you, thank you, thank you, thank you, thank you, thank you, thank you, thank you so much for the Firebolt. I thought Wood was going to pass out when I showed him! All he could say was, "A Firebolt...a real Firebolt on our team..."
- Harry

(Remus to James )
(Personally, this is my favourite letter!)

If you want to sleep in your own bed tonight, do not - I repeat DO NOT - let Lily read this. In fact, burn it after you - and probably Padfoot - finish reading it. Yesterday was a Hogsmeade day, so I stayed in the castle while most of the students went down to the village.

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