Saturday [boys]

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Cameron pov

I feel like i'm falling for Lydia.I call Nash to come to my house.And he agreed.

5 minutes later
Nash came.

"Sup bro"He say.
"Sup"I replied while we do our bro handshake.
"So why do u call me?"He asked while we sit on the couch.
"How do u know that u love Firah?"
"Everytime when i'm around her.There is always butterflies in my stomach"He replied while thinking about Firah i guess.
"Who is the lucky girl??"He asked
"I will tell u but promise not to tell anyone"I say
"Promise"He say
"Lydia"I say
"I knew it.Actually not only me.The boys and the girls know except Lydia.Obviously.But Firah say she have a feeling that Lydia might have a crush on u too"Nash say.

After that we decided to play video games.

Hey guys.Miss me?Will sorry its short,but love u guys.Next week is the last week of exam.YAY!!

Bullied by Cameron Dallas [Completed]Where stories live. Discover now