The wedding

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Years later (they are 25)
Lydia pov

Me and Cameron are getting married! I'm excited and happy but also really scared. I mean who won't be. I was getting ready, i ready had my dress and my mother is doing my hair. When she finished she had a big smile on her face.

"I can't believe my baby is getting married!!!" My mom says while i rolled my eyes and had a little smile.

"Mom its not really a big deal..." I scoffed

"IT'S THE BIGGEST DEAL!!" I giggled and we hugged before my dad walk in.

"Hey sweetie, ready?" he smiled while putting out his hand. I nodded and we linked arms as we start walking down the aisle. Everyone stopped talking and turned towards me. Cameron looked up and smiled to me and i smiled back. Then my dad dropped me off, kissing my forehead. Me and Cam held hands as the priest started talking. After the vows it was time for the ' I Do '

"Do you, Cameron Alexander Dallas, take Lydia Martin to be your lawfully wedded wife? Do you swear before god and this comany that you love, honor, cheerish, respect and comfort her, in good and bad times, in sickness and health? Do you promise to share your joys and sorrows, help her when she needs help and turn to her first when you need help, and forsaking all others, to be faithful to her alone?" "I do" Shawn smiled at me

"Do you, Lydia Martin, take Cameron Alexander Dallas, to be your lawfully wedded husband? Do you swear before god and this comany that you love, honor, cheerish, respect and comfort her, in good and bad times, in sickness and health? Do you promise to share your joys and sorrows, help her when she needs help and turn to her first when you need help, and forsaking all others, to be faithful to her alone?" "I do" I smiled at Cam

The priest didn't even open his mouth before Cam smashed his lips with mines. Everyone laughed and the priest chuckled. "You may now countinue kissing the bride!" Me and Cam smiled into the kiss and we pulled away. Then it was the after party, we all walked into the ballroom and started dancing. Me and Cam were dancing to Kid In Love, he wrote the song for me. Someone talked into the mic calling for our attention, it was Firah.

"Okay so i have a little speech for my bestie Lydia. When the first time i met firah, Cameron was a bully to her.I help her through everything.When we were 15 everything changed especially Cam because his not a bully to Lydia anymore. When Cam ask Lydia to be his, i know that one day i would be up here saying this speech. I'm going to be honest and say i don't have an awesome speech. But i don't need an awesome speech to know and say that Cameron and Lydia are meant to be! I see the way they look and acted around each other and i've never seen any couple more in love than them. So Cameron and Lydia I love you guys both and i hope you have an amazing life together!!!"

Everyone clapped and i run up to her and we hugged.After a lot of people said their speech.After all the speech there was a video of me and Cameron and our memories.By the end of the video i was pretty much crying.

"Firah? Are you okay?"Cam asked wiping away my tears.I nodded.

"I'm just glad that i now get to live my life with you forever" He smiled and pecked my lips

"I'm glad too..."Cam say

The end

I hope you guys actually like this story. Go read my new story called "Instagram" I love you all. Kisses from me to you

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