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Marinette arrived home confused but curious after talking to to Master Fu. He had taken Adrien's book to study, shown her all the other miraculous', and said he knew who Chat Noir was. She was tempted to ask; she knew he would probably tell her, but she felt like that would be betraying Chat's trust, so she kept her mouth shut. She had, however, asked him why she was chosen to be Ladybug, and he had said this:
" You were chosen to be Ladybug because that is who you are. Kwamis like Tikki bring out the best qualities in you, the most prominent qualities, who you really are as a person. Brave, smart, selfless and confident. "
Marinette doubted his logic, but deep down she knew she could be all of those things, when she had the advantage of being the unknown Ladybug. She sighed and Tikki flew over to her, asking her what was wrong. Marinette just flopped face down on her bed and groaned. Tikki laughed and tried to pull her up by the ear but it didn't work.
"What's up Mari?", Tikki asked.
"Being Ladybug and Marinette is just so complicated.... It's like my two lives are getting mixed up.... Have you noticed Chat's muscles lately? Wait, why have I noticed them? Ughhh, please just leave me alone Tikki, I need to think..."
The small kwami sighed. Suddenly, she had an idea. It went against a deal she had made, but the deal would have had to have been broken eventually. She called out to Marinette,
"Just going to grab a cookie!" ,
and sped out the window. She flew as quick as she could to Adrien's house, where he was asleep. Plagg was on his computer, searching for more Camembert shops in Paris. She giggled and flew in through the window, startling him.
"Tikki!", he exclaimed and hugged her tight, Camembert forgotten for once. He let her go and beamed at her, asking,
"Why are you here?"
She gulped and took a deep breath. She flew over to Adrien's desk and sat down, beckoning the small black cat to follow her. He sat down beside her and she started to talk.
"Plagg... I think we need to break our deal- Don't interrupt me, just listen. Marinette and Adrien are clueless, and I can't just sit there watching Mari's heart break. Every single mission, she becomes more attracted to Chat, and the more missions she goes on, the more confident she becomes in her normal life, so the closer she becomes to Adrien! And as for Adrien himself, he is obviously in love with Ladybug and feels like he's betraying her if he accepts he has feelings for Marinette. I know we're never supposed to interfere with them telling each other their identities, but something like this has never happened before! Master Fu came so close to telling her earlier today an-"
The other kwami jumped up and exclaimed,
"Master Fu! When where you at his house? Why where you there? Wha-"
Tikki quickly hushed him and pointed to Adrien, who was tossing and turning in his sleep. Plagg sat down and motioned for her to continue. Tikki sighed again and whispered,
"Marinette found Adrien's miraculous book and I told her to bring it to Master Fu. Where in the world did Adrien get it?"
Plagg looked away and muttered,
"His dad's safe..."
The little red kwami's eyes narrowed in confusion.
"His dad's....? Look, never mind, the point is, we have to do something about this! Even if we just give them a clue, we have t-"
Plagg cut her off by putting a little paw to her lips. He grinned and for a moment, Tikki was reminded of the first Chat Noir and Ladybug, from the early stages of human history, standing on a thatched roof somewhere in southern Pakistan, laughing together. Her friend's eyes softened and said,
"I remember them too. Things used to be so much simpler... but anyway, we're here now and I have an idea..."

"Yes Marinette"Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora