Chim- Blazing Love Chapter 5-6

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Chapter 5

When I arrive home its 3 in the morning I’m absolutely shattered I go upstairs and collapse on me bed just as I’m about to fall asleep I hear something go through the letter box I choose to ignore it till I wake up and I drift off to sleep. The next thing I know is that I’m being woken up by the sounds of crying I get out of bed and walk into the spare room where I keep all me weights and things when I get there I see Logan crying rubbing his arm

“Logan what happened?” I say going over to him and hugging him

“I wanted to be strong like you mam but the weights are too heavy for us and I hurt me arm” he cries

“Aww baby, your too little to play with these” I say to him and he nods his head his tears drying up we walk downstairs and see Nadine sleeping on the sofa

“What time did you and aunty Nadine get here?” I ask Logan

“errr… about 8” he says

“This was on the floor by the door it’s for you mammy” he says handing me an envelope

I look at the envelope and see my name scribbled on the front it was hand posted so it must be someone I know

“Mammy, my arm hurts!” Logan says

“Sorry pet, lets put some ice on it” I say dropping the letter on the table I get out an ice bag and place it on his arm

“Its cold” he cries

“It will be babes, go an sit in the living room” I say to him kissing his head and he walks off

“What happened?” I turn around and see Nadine yawning scratching her head

“He tried to use me weights and he hurt his arm” I say

“Aww bless him, how was work?  She says sitting down

“Awful! I swear if we get another prank call I’m going to go loony!” I say and she laughs

“Its just kis being stupid” Nadine says

“I know that, but while their prank calling someone else might be trying to get through with a real fire” I say   

“Try not to get worked up huni” she says rubbing me arm I let out a sigh and boil the kettle.

An hour later Nadine left for work so its just me and Logan, I’m currently drinking my tea when th door goes

“Who’s that?” Logan asks

“I don’t know babes” I laugh I get up and walk to the door

“Come on Chez, open up!” I hear me brother Garry shout I laugh and open the door seeing my brother standing there

“Hiya pet, you could’ve said please for me to open the door” I say smiling

“Nice to see ya to pet” he laughs and walks in

“Wheres me little man!” Garry says and then Logan runs out

“Uncle Garry!” Logan shouts and runs into his arms

“Can I see your badge?” Logan asks straight away

“Well…… lets see where I put it” Garry says and begins to pat himself down, he does it all the time when Logan asks

“ahh here it is!” Garry says and hands it to Logan

“Thanks” Logan grins and runs off to the front room

“He’s too cute” Garry says and I raise an eyebrow

“Oh aye getting broody are we?” I laughs and he laughs

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