Chim- Blazing Love Chapter 19

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Chapter 19

I walk through the building seeing the fire being put out by the other fire fighters I stay close behind Mark the fighter who got me out of the stair well,

“Almost there Chez” he smiles back at me I smile back at him looking forward to getting out of this building that’s when it happens

The ceiling above us collapses throwing me to the floor the plaster and wood crashing on me body making it difficult for us to breathe

“Oh god!” I cough, trying to roll over but I cant the wood and plaster trapping me on the floor.

My head starts to go dizzy and my eyes start to shut as they shut I remember back to 7 months ago.

I sit at the kitchen table looking through all the paperwork for us to do what we want to do, today we’re meeting with the consultant about our options and where we go after this

“Hey baby” Kimba walks in and wraps her arms around my chest

“Hey gorgeous” I smile at her and kiss her cheek.

“You ready?” she asks and I nod my head getting up from my seat I get ready to go out and then we’re on our way to the consultation.

“Welcome Miss Tweedy, Miss Walsh” the consultant says as we enter the room

“Hiya” I say and sit down in front of his desk Kimba takes the seat next to me

“Right ladies I’ve read through your details and I understand it’ll be Miss Walsh carrying out the pregnancy

“Yes I will be” Kimba smiles and the consultant smiles back

“Right, we have in our other building the sperm bank where you can look through the files of the sperm and choose which one you will be using” he says

“We just need to arrange the time for you to be fertilised with the sperm”

“Okay when will that happen” I ask and he looks up from his computer and looks at us

“We need to calculate when Miss Walsh’s cycle starts and finishes and then we will know the best date for the insemination” he smiles and we nod our heads.

6 weeks later

“I’m nervous” Kimba says as we stand outside the bathroom with the test in her hand

“It’ll be ok baby, if it doesn’t work we’ll try again I promise, I’m as nervous as you” I say taking hold of her hand

“Ok, come in with me?” she asks shakily

“Aye” I say and we enter the bathroom.

I sit on the rib of the bath tub and hold Kimba’s hand and we both have a hand on the test

“It’s time now” she whispers and we both remove our hands from the test and read what it says


3-4 weeks

“Oh my God!!” I squeal

“Oh my god” she says with a grin on her face matching my own

“We’re having a baby!” I say and wrap my arms around her neck

“I cant believe it!” she giggles

“Our own baby” she adds and I laugh

We sit in the front room and wait for Logan to come home from school he’s thirteen now and is a straight A student, the door opens and closes and we hear his voice

“Mam? Mum?, I have great news” he shouts and bounces into the room

“Whats that then?” I ask and he breathes in deep handing over a piece of paper

“Your head boy!” I grin and Kimba hugs me

“That’s great babes, we’re so proud of you!” she smiles at him

“Now we have something to tell you” I say as Kimba sits down

“Oh aye?” he laughs and sits down on the other sofa

“well you know me and Kimba went to see the consultant about having a baby?” I say and he nods

“Well, your gonna ba having a baby brother or sister” I say and he grins

“Really? I’m happy for yous, I’ll be the best big brother on the planet” he grins and hugs us both

“I’m going to do my homework before dinner” he says and goes upstairs

I blink my eyes open my vision is blurry debris is falling all around me and I feel a pain in both me legs now

“Chez? CHERYL!” I hear Mark shout and then the stuff on my back Is lifted off us

“God, Cheryl can you hear me?” he asks

“Aye”  I mumble

“Can you move?” he asks but I cant move my legs only my arms and hands

“Only me hands and arms” I say and then I feel he rolls my over onto my back and I yell out in pain

“Ok, I’m gonna carry you” he says and then he lift me in his arms

“Ok, we’re getting out of here” he smiles down at me I smile back at him weakly

I breathe in the fresh air when we get out of the building

“We’re here!” he shouts and then I see two paramedics run over to us

“She cant move her legs” he says and sets in on the ground

“CHERYL!!”I hear her scream my name and then she is beside me

“Oh god, Cheryl” she says tears falling from her beautiful eyes

“I’m ok baby” I cough and the tears fall down her face

“I thought I’d never see you again” she cries

“Can you feel my hands on your legs?” one paramedic asks

“Yeah I can feel that” I say and look back at Kimba, I lift my arms and wipe her tears away and place a hand on her expanding stomach

“I’ll be ok babes” I say and she nods

“You better be!” she laughs making me laugh

“Right we need to get you to the hospital now” the paramedic says and I nod

“Can I come with her?” Kimba asks and the paramedic says she can

“I told Nadine to looks after Logan and take him back to hers” Kimba says and I nod, I watch as I’m put into the back of the ambulance.

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