Chim- Blazing Love Chapter 17-18

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Chapter 17

Its been two weeks since the night at Kim’s where I told her how I felt and I haven’t seen her since, I’ve been busy with work and so has she since she started back last week we text all the time and phone three times a day but I miss her, I miss her presence, I miss her smile her voice just her in everyway.

I sigh as I sit on the sofa, Logan’s at school and I’ve got the day off after working two twelve hour shifts, I flick on the TV and the news is on so I sit and watch it for a awhile until something catches all my attention on it

“News that Kimberley Walsh’s EX husband was involved in both of the fires she was in at her house and at the studio she records at, Justin Scott confessed to setting the fires at both places and has been charged with criminal arson with intent to harm”

I stare at the TV screen in shock, her ex did all that, but why, she did nothing to him except divorce him but that’s only coz he cheated on her she had all right to divorce him. I quickly get my phone and scroll down til I get to her name and click on her hearing it ring out but after three rings she picks up

“Hello babes”  she says and I instantly smile

“Hey babes, I just heard on the news” I say and I hear her sigh

“Yeah I know, the police are still questioning him”  she says and I can hear the upset in her voice

“Are you ok?” I ask her and she laughs

“Not at my best at the moment, I just want to know why he did it, its not like him well not that I thought…. Anyway how are you? Are you free this evening?”  she says

“I’m free” I instantly say without thinking about it

“Good, I want to take you out, you can bring Logan too” she says and I can imagine her smiling down the phone

“Oh where you taking us?” I ask

“You’ll find out tonight babes, I’ll see you later I have to get back to work”

“Ok babes, I lo—lovely day isn’t!?” I cringe at my words

“Ermm, um yeah it’s a nice day Cheryl” she laughs and I thank god she didn’t realize my mistake

“See you later babes, have fun at work” I smile and she says good bye and I put my phone down.

I wait outside the school gates for Logan when I see his teacher walk up to me

“Hello Miss Tweedy, can I have a word with you please?” she asks and I follow her into the building

“I’m afraid Logan has been in a fight with another pupil today he’s been out in a room on his own for best part of the day” she says and I frown

“Logan, my Logan in a fight, what was it about?”  I ask and the teacher sighs

“Apparently him and another boy in his class had an argument  about a certain person coming to stay with you a few weeks ago”

“Logan told them that she was his friend and they called him a lair”  she says and I sigh feeling guilty

“Okay thank you, I’ll talk to him when we get home” I say and she takes me to the room where Logan was

“Mammy, I didn’t start the fight Lucas did, it wasn’t me fault his was calling us a lair and said mean things about Kimmi-lee” he starts to cry

“Hey, He, its ok we’ll have a chat when we get home ok, now don’t cry its ok pet” I say wiping his tears away

He stretches his arms up and I pick him up and he cuddles into me

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