Chim- Blazing Love Chapter 22

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Chapter 22

Its later that evening and I’m waiting for Kimba to come home she should have been home an hour ago and I’m starting to worry, I walk over to the mosses basket in our room and see Jasmine fast asleep her little fingers twitching in her sleep I smile down at her and stroke her little head, I put the baby monitor on the bedside table and carry the other one down stairs with me and I sit in the kitchen and wait for Kim to come home.

Two hours later and the door opens and closes I walk out into the hallway to see Nicola holding up a slumped Kimberley in her arms

“What happened!?” I ask going over them

“Cheryl, baby!” Kimberley slurs and I can smell alcohol on her breath

I quickly move and grab her arm before she falls over, I move with her in my arms into the living room I sit her on the sofa where she stays and I turn to Nicola

“What the hell happened?” I ask her

“Well we went out for a quick drink but she didn’t stop drinking I brought her home after she nearly tried to drive herself home” she says

“Okay, thank you Nicola” I smile at her and see her out.

I walk into the living room and sit down next to Kim

“Kimba, what are you doing?” I ask her and she laughs

“I lurrvvve you” she slurs and I cant help but smile, then suddenly I hear a cry from the baby monitor I go to get up but what Kim says next makes me stop

“She’s not mine you know”

“What!?” I say and she looks at me her glazed eyes piercing into mine

“She’s not my baby” she says and then she’s sobbing

“Kimba” I whisper her name and pull her into me

“She is your baby, she’s our baby” I say to her but she shakes her head

“Babes, she looks like you she has your eyes of course she’s yours” I say

“No she isn’t!” she shouts at me and I stand up and go up stairs checking on the baby, I lift her up out of the basket and carry her downstairs and into the kitchen starting to warm up a bottle for her as I wait for the bottle to warm I keep thinking about what Kim said, how can she think Jasmine isn’t hers why would she think it.

I feed the baby and then put her back to sleep and I walk back into the living room where Kim is sitting on the sofa her head in her hands

“Baby I think we should go to the doctors tomorrow, I think they can help you” I say to her

“Help me with what?” she says

“I think you have post natal depression” I say

“Post what?” she says frowning

“Post natal depression, women get it after having a baby” I say and she nods

“Right….. I need to sleep” she says and gets up swaying I quickly get up and help her up the stairs, helping her change and into bed I kiss her on the head

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